Some Hexes n' Such

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Some Hexes n' Such
Post # 1
Bug-Bites Hex- give the bugger some real bug-issues. Make them break out in an itchy rash or give them some painful bug-bites as punishment for messing with you.

Materials: Magical object to be touched by person, or if they have touched anything that belongs to you that you have any attachment to.

Imagine the object mentioned above, fly around like a small bug, then land on the targeted person you wish you hex. Then say this:

Karma this and karma that,
Karma's as blind as a bat.
I'll aid it's way and guide it here,
You listen you, your wrong things you hear.
You wronged me, so I wrong thee.
Bug bites on skin and rash of itch,
See what you did? You dug your own ditch.
Spell last a day, spell last a morrow,
Make him itch a week, have nothing but sorrow.

Insomnia Hex- That person keeping you awake at night with how much you hate them? Here's a little payback. A night of no sleep!

Materials: None, recommended magical object for casting and a piece of something that belongs to that person. [One or the other]

Place the object that belongs to the person infront of you, and place your magical object on it if you have both. If not, just place whatever you have before you. Imagine the person and what they did to you, then say this three times:

Sleepless night,
Filled with spite.
Anger of red,
And fire to be fed.
Make her/his pillow full of nail,
Mattress slimy as a snail.
Make them cold, then make them hot,
Toss and turn and sleep shall not.
Make them pay for hateful deed,
Sleepless nights for them to heed.
Annoyance Bind [Minor] - That little annoying pest won't leave you alone? Well now you can make them.

Materials: None

Instructions: Get in position so you can see them. Now say this in a low tone until the very end...

You annoying little thing you,
Away with this detest.
I'll bind you away,
you annoying little pest.
You annoying little thing you,
Away from me you'll stay,
Notice me not,
nor speak a word at all,
I bind you mouth and bind your steps,
away from me you shall.
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