Wiccan Magick for Lovers

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Wiccan Magick for Lovers
Post # 1

Magic is the art of using the whole of the natural and universal energies. To responsibly perform Wiccan magic, it's necessary to know the spiritual laws governing the material world. Many people choose to ignore these forces.

The expression "sexual magic" refers to the conscious use of sexual energy. Sexual magic is not about the absurd idea of linear intercourse, where both lovers go in search of something: orgasm. Orgasm is not just the feeling of relief generated when energy is unblocked. All energy unblocked produces pleasure, and is therefore welcome. But Wiccan sexual magic goes deeper than that.

Magical ecstasy is the experience of the sexual as a spiritual communion with our partners. This, in turn, allows us to merge with our inner divinity - with oneness, with our real and eternal selves. Extra-sensuous communication takes place during intercourse because the senses are heightened and perceive beyond the mundane.

A Wiccan erotic ritual can have a wonderful effect on a couple. An erotic ritual, experienced as an act of creativity and truthfulness, can forever change the way you make love.
For success and deep spiritual contact, the Wiccan couple must keep certain basic rules in mind. These rules can be flexible - just like love. But it is important to remember that the whole universe starts with you, and self-knowledge is a building block in responsible magical workings. So, check out some of the basic rules below and make sure they all apply to your life:

• Create a sacred and magical place in your home.
• Familiarize yourself with your partner’s erogenous zones.
• Learn to meditate and visualize, to control mental and magical energy.
• Practice sexual creativity.
• Learn to free and harmonize your energy centers through meditation.
• Learn how physical, emotional, and mental energy feel and work.
• Do exercises to balance your energy centers.
• Practice visualization exercises to enhance your sexual energy.
• Study the symbols and colors that help deepen sexual magic.
• Make the most of the unconscious erotic energy through the knowledge of your dreams.
• Organize and balance your ideas and emotions so that the sexual blockages in your relationship disappear.
• Study Wiccan lore. Learn about the elements, symbols, spells, herbs, and celebrations important to Wiccans.

Sexual energy is the strongest energy we possess, but we often don't know how to handle it. If we haven't dealt with our sexual energy in a healthy way for a long time, it may split from the spiritual process. An obsessive mental process may be generated by this split, and that's why there are discordant behaviors in most relationships. It is important to know that sex is a sacred energy, and we must use it as a pure channel of boundless, divine love.

The purpose of sexual magic is to unify the divine within us. Sexual magic in general - and Wiccan erotic exercises in particular - will enable you to:

- experience each meeting with your partner as unique
- achieve complete authenticity and openness during intercourse
- pay homage to the universe with each act of intercourse
- create positive resonance in the relationship beyond the physical
- feel the energy of love in the present moment, and thus understand a genuine sense of living
- make your dreams about your relationship come true
- experience the sacredness of sex
- experience complete giving and create a divine relationship with your partner.

Re: Wiccan Magick for Lovers
Post # 2

I have placed a ritual in the Spell Book to accompany this forum.


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