Gain Weight Spell

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Gain Weight Spell
Post # 1

I was wondering does this mean muscle or fat... and i was wondering would you need to be a strong spell caster for this one.
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Re: Gain Weight Spell
Post # 2
Yes, I would want to know some answers for this to.

I want to gain fat and not muscle and last time when I performed the spell, the drink did not really taste that nice and I did not really gain any weight afterwards.

The only problem is that this is the only gain weight spell which I can find on the internet.
All the rest are rubbish lose weight spells.
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Re: Gain Weight Spell
Post # 3
If anyone finds an answer to this question I'd like to know too! Basically I'm assuming they mean "fat" but what I really want to know is how limited or unlimmited it is? In other words; Is there control of how much to gain, etc?
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