
Forums ► Wicca ► Elements

Re: Elements
Post # 14
Spirit is not an element, its on the pentagram, but its NOT an element,

The five elements are;
- Lightning
- Fire
- Air
- Water
- Earth
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Re: Elements
Post # 15
imma everyone believes differently i believe the elements are air, fire, water, earth and spirit. So lets just agree to disagree. But they are right it has nothing to do with the month you were born in or anything like that. It has to do with what feels right to you. What you feel connect most to. What comes naturally to you most and it can be one element or more than one. And a way you can do that is to meditate on it.
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Re: Elements
Post # 16
Actually, spirit is the heart of the elements.
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Re: Elements
Post # 17
There are many beliefs about this. While some people believe it is the element you are most drawn to, I believe that it is based on when you were born. If someone were to say that they were most drawn to it, how can you believe that 100%. They might just think that say, fire is cool. So, they automatically say fire. I believe that you are born into your element, and it's your choice, whether or not you do it, to become one with your element.
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Re: Elements
Post # 18
imma, fire and air would make lightning so therefore lightning is not a major element, but a minor one.
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Re: Elements
Post # 19
it depends on the context of which the question is asked. there is an astrological element, which is determined by the zodiac. a power element, the element you feel a close connection to(mine is water so whenever im around water i feel a comforting feeling). It could also be used in many other ways.
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Re: Elements
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 20
Traditionally, spirit or the divine or whatever you want to call it rules, influences, unites, etc. all elements. This does not make it an element.

The elements themselves are chosen because they are the four divisions of the physical. Spirit/divinity is left separate from this, as a factor that influences the nature of the physical.

In New Age practice, however, it considered a fifth element sometimes because people would rather think their own ideas special and unique.

What element you "are" is generally irrelevant. It is a quirk of the personality (what you feel a bond with) and little else, that allows you to better understand a particular element to begin with. From here, it is generally wise to move on and explore and understand the other three.

Astrological and lunar elemental correspondences typically are just a description for the individual's birth month, and do not define the element of the individual with any permanence. They might also be used to influence that particular element within spell work during the proper alignment, phase, etc. of those correspondences.
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Re: Elements
Post # 21

Your element dosen't always have to be the month you where born on, even know mine says that i am scorpio and my element is supposedly water. But i just don't work with water. I try to work with all elements. Everyone ditermines their element of the one they feel connected to spiritually.

I believe that spirit is part of the elements but is not really concidered an element because it is part of your soul and body.

Also you can not control elements but you can work with them. They try to work with us as we do with them.

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Re: Elements
Post # 22
Right on the money, Awake.
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Re: Elements
Post # 23
Some say spirit is a element, some say it isn't. It's about what you believe.
I personally think it is an element.
But, even if you think it could be an element, you can't have spirit as your element.
My element is Fire because I'm an Aries.
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