More random Theories.

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More random Theories.
Post # 1
this is just another theory on things that i've been thinking of.
Now most of us are either learning about our high self or becoming connected
to it in one fashion or another. Which puts you in a whole new state of perceptions
My theory is what if we are born as our high selves and instead of becoming it?
By that i mean What if we are that very soul in it's purest form (energy pattern and flow),
just more filters in that consciousness and when we start working with our "true" self
we lose those filters and start seeing things through the eyes of the real you. Now when
it comes to vessels, i think they pick them and decide if they're ready to become themselves
again. Sometimes it takes a while tho to accomplish this feat. Do i think they can be stripped from you? No peole can not take you from you in a sense
Just merely bind it so you have no connection, But with a lot of hard work you can reestablish
that connection. I honestly don't not feel they walk away from their potiential vessels but mere
get covered up in the barriers we set up for ourselves. Of course the Hs has a consciouness seperate
from our own but it's not. I believe it's just another level of our consciouness at a higher level
than what most every day thinking requires. The filters would be the programming ego which when growing
and exploring new things change whether you realize it or not. when you drop a paradigm it changes
your programming and with that you allow your to discover the more true yourself. However one can get
fragmented by letting others delute what you know from learn from exploring yourself or your own research.
I think when it gets fragmented people tend to become more wrapped in their own fantasy other than seeing the
truth about things. Granted there is no absolute truth per say because of different perceptions of ideas.
But once again that can be fixed with a lot of work and rediscovering what you learned. What im saying is
you may lose yourself but you can always find it again. Learning and discovering your true self is a blessing
all in itself, it's a wild ride so buckle up and enjoy whatever it might take ya to.

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