Cheap Magick Ingredients

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Cheap Magick Ingredients
Post # 1
Posted by Laufia (Jun 02, 2010) :

In the past a few people have told me that where they live they cannot find a lot of magcickal ingedients or that they cannot afford to pay too much for them , so heres a list of cheap and easily available magicakal ingredients, that can be found in the kitchen, supermarket or garden.
please feel free to add to the list.

fertility, lust, can cure impotence.

cat magick, beauty, love.

money, to help sleep, can be sprinkled around the homee to remove curses.

Chilli pepper-
Lust, love, hex breaking.

Success, healing, psychic power enhancing,lov, protection.

Protection, healing.

healing, fertility.

Carnation (flowers)-
Protection, strength, healing.

Can be used to remove hexs and curses by rubbing onto the body then throw it to smash it.
Can be used to detach oneself from a lover or ex lover by rubbing the genitals with the egg then throwing it to smash it.
The eggshell can be ground into a powder to protect one from evil and remove neativity, i use it in a spiritual cleansing recipe of mine.

protection,healing,exorcism, gets rid of evil, natrual antibiotic.

love, money,sucess, power.

Love, money, purification, protection,relaxation, happiness, help with depression, happiness, peacefulness.

purification, can be used for beauty.


love, beauty, lust,protection.

love, lust.

protection, cleansing, clearing,wisdom.
Tea- riches, courage, strength.

Pen and paper-
can be used to write any wish before burning it or keeping it under your pillow, etc.

modelling clay-
can be used to make poppets( for healing, love, cursing, etc.)
or can be used to make housing for a servitor.

Theres a great book by Lexa Rosean called A-Z of magickal ingredients which is excellent in listing magickal ingredients which can be easily found and their purposes.

Sea salt- cleansing and protective and ritual bathing.

Cheap white household candles or tea light candles- can be used for any candle spell if no other candle is available, just visualize it to be whatever colour you require.

Posted by ginseng (Jul 19, 2010) :

I would also like to add that if you have no candles and can not get to buy any you can also print out a picture of that specific candle color you need to use..or just visualize them in your minds eye :)

Also if you can not for any reason use candles where you live can use the battery ones a torch and the little electric tea lights :)


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