Charging an item for a sp

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Charging an item for a sp
Post # 1
Commonly there are 2 ways to go about charging an object, or consecrating it. There is the simple way of using your own personal energy (this works well with candles) and the longer way through an actual ritual.

The personal way is pretty simple. You sit the object on a surface (flat preferably especially if there is an incline or decline on any other surface your object has a tendency to roll). Then you remove the energy from the object, this can be done easily through visualization, where you imagine a white-gold light flowing from you into the object with the intent to cleanse and purge all negativity, or you can place a hand on the object and gently press on it (do not do the this version on sharp objects) and visualize that you are pressing all the negative energy out and into the ground. From here you can take a few deep breaths and visualize a blue-white light coming from the divine above, and flowing into the object charging and empowering it, you can do something similar by using your own energy (visualizing a similar color just a little more pale so you don't confuse the two).

Here's a few examples of the ritual version, this will be based on tools (which for some of you who are new, this will be very helpful so pay attention to the following)

How To Consecrate Sacred Objects
After purification and dedication, you can do one of the following in sacred space, using both your imagination to visualise it and your voice to ask for it . . .
Hold the item in your dominant hand (usually the right), and focus on the purest, brightest white Light you can imagine. Imagine it filling yourself, your sacred space, and the ritual object.
Smudge the Wiccan tool with cedar smoke, visualising the sacred Power of the cedar aligning its energy with the Most High.
Pass the object ''through'' (or above) the light of your Goddess candle (or if you choose, both Goddess and God candles). Think of that Light penetrate and filling all the spaces between the atoms in your Wiccan tool.
After each of these, place your Wiccan tool on your object, in the very centre. Focusing on it completely, ask your Deities to sanctify this tool.
State clearly ''Only the most pure Divine energy may enter and work through this sacred object.''

Hold this intent, until you feel it has completely ''taken.'' Then close your intent with ''So mote it be! Blessed be.''

Your Wiccan tool is now consecrated.

Charging Your Ritual Tools With Magickal Energy

You can do this the same way you consecrated, essentially. The difference is that you build up a certain magickal energy beforehand - in Ritual space, and then fill the Wiccan tool with that energy.
In this case, you can use a smudging herb that contains that energy.

You might want to use essential oils to instill certain energies into your Wiccan tools. They can be dabbed onto the object. But be sure it won't damage the material.

Another option is to place your ritual tools on the altar during rituals and spell-casting. This is especially popular - and practical - to do at group rituals, when appropriate. Lots of good magickal Power can be raised, and if you've set the intention, the object can soak it up.

Remember that everyone is different, do a little research and find other methods to help you, as well as experiment on your own, and listen to your guides. If you have any further questions post below or shoot me an email, I will happily help where I can.

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