A dream.

CovenDragon Magick ► A dream.
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A dream.
Post # 1
Hey last night i had a really mad dream and i am trying to work it out and would like opinions of others here thanks you.

The dream starts out in a small village i am a soldier with a wife and two children, i am sitting on a hill with my armor on this armor has only a left side shoulder protection and theres a horn my son comes running with a sword and says it is time for war that i better get going this sword is extremly beautiful it has what appears to be runes or other such symbols incribed on the blade.

I run with my child to my wife i tell her that i will return to her with the spoils of war, she smiles and wishes me luck, i tell my children i will bring them a souvenier from the battle, so me and around 30 soldiers i think well we trecked to the battle grounds and battle commensed as we fought we lost many men but eventualy we won but on the finaly fight i fought of the war i was wounded it seemed that i was no longer on the battle field, sure it was the same place but their was just me and in front of me was a dragon huge in size really big wings this dragon was so powerfull looking with such beautiful eyes like stars.

The dragon spoke and said "You have fought well and for this you have my blessings i bestow upon you these words of wisdom may they serve you well, (words spoken are: Learn from the battles of past tense and you shall be rewarded in battles to come, for he who has no fear is the first to fall.) and well everything goes fuzzy and i wake up to my children and wife and my wife is pregnant with yet another child about a week or so later.

anyway thats my dream and just wondering if anyone could help me find out what it could have ment thanks hope i didint post something that wasnt wanted.

Re: A dream.
Post # 2
Thats all very interesting.

I really believe that the interpretation is all within the person who recieves messages or dreams.

It seems pretty straight forward to me.

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