Seven Deadly Sins

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Re: Seven Deadly Sins
Post # 33
it only gets confusing when you put religion into it, lets try to keep religion out and just get to the bones of what "sin" also known as demons of the lower self.

Re: Seven Deadly Sins
Post # 34
Bringing demons in now?

Oh, also, because they are "sins" they are related to religion.

I don't think I am important enough to have demons or spirits chasing me around, trying to get me upset in some way or to do these "sins".

Honestly, what purpose would there be in doing that for them?

Re: Seven Deadly Sins
Post # 35
Regarding the spirits..

You say you think that the spirits have better things to do..
There are billions and billions of spirits just here on Earth.

1. First of all these spirits are made up of energy and fill most spaces. It is *inevitable* that we are going to draw on and share energy.

2. Second, what "better things" should the spirits be doing? messing with animals? Playing with dirt? What exactly is there on this earth for them to be taking care of? Surely you don't think theyr all ending world hunger or forming federations of spirits that do what- solve world hunger? Really. The spirits all hhave individuals places and jobs. If you do not comprehend the idea that yes, maybe the spirits are a part of our lives, and I assure you they are, then perhaps you have not thought the whole concept through. The universe isn't just the most interesting place with all the things you would want to do where there is no life. Even as humans we seek each other out to communicate and to influence each other. The spirits are not completely like us, but they are certainly not endevouring to keep to themselves. They are a part of our lives.

Re: Seven Deadly Sins
Post # 36
Further.. the system that is in place is not one of separation. We are all connected. We are connected to the spirits, and we are connected to each other.

Besides, the spirits are not neary as snobbish as you suggest. Spirits of Pride may be the only ones that feel that way, and only because they encourage Pride within you.

Also, the spirits will gain power based on how much of their energy is raised and manifested to the physical. Due to free will, there are only so many ways in which they can manifest themselves. They will gain more power, if more people are empowering their collective energy. This energy goes up to the principle collective of an area, and then affects the overall mindset of those within it.

Re: Seven Deadly Sins
Post # 37
How do we know how many spirits are on Earth? Have you met every single one of them?

Not that I don't think we can't run into these spirits, and that we can't exchange energy...

Its more that I don't think that there are billions and billions of them. I mean...that would mean they cover most of the Earth and would leave on to wonder...why people don't see them everywhere they go.

I mean honestly, not everyone on this site or period is a newb who doesn't know what they are doing.

Just find it a bit odd that some people never experience them at all if they are all around us.

Also, this all would leave one to wonder why still.

I mean, I'm sure they could find something to do. And aren't they also supposed to exist in the astral and etheric? If so...why are all of them down here on Earth bugging the living daylights outta humans? Wouldn't they have moved past that kind of stuff?

I never said they had one job...I implied that they had better things to do than mess with people.

Nor did I say they weren't a part of our lives. Used to have my dad pop up in my dreams all the time to tell me how proud he was of me. If that was him, or just my mind, I don't know, nor do I care to know.

Now, as for not thinking the concept through...I don't think these "spirits" you think of are spirits, but rather parts or aspects of ourselves that you have chosen to manifest as if they were actual spirits. I honestly can see how negativity and such can come outside of ourselves, however, I also don't think the little spirit in the corner did it for...poops and giggles.

If they act like humans do, then they would be attracted to themselves. Like apples with apples and granny smith apples with granny smith apples.

Why would they want to be a part of our lives? I mean...making someone wrathful is a crappy job.

What you are saying in essence is...the spirits make us do/feel something, then we react to that by finding a target, rather than we react to a situation by becoming aroused in one way or another.

Honestly, I would like to think that I have the ultimate control over what I say and do rather than some spirit that is making me do it.

Re: Seven Deadly Sins
Post # 38
No one never suggested snobbishness. What was said was that they have better things to do then stalk people.

Honestly, the idea is egocentric, like the idea of the three fold law or karma in this life.

Also, if you manifestation theory is true...why is it that there are spirits running around who can molly whap you into next week physically?

Re: Seven Deadly Sins
Post # 39

A complete logical way to respond to this:

If you are going to argue against why they are, then you need to discuss why they are not. Because I provided quite a lot as to why they are a part of our lives- see the original post. You nor anyone else who has made that assumption has stated the reason why not.

There are billions of people on the planet, and not only that, billions and billions of animals and insects on the planet. So why is it that there can't be billions and billions of spirits, when you have provided no reason as to why there aren't? Have you met every single one of them, as you seem to think I ought to have? We all have a spirit, and in most domestic living areas, there are humans all living very close to each other in houses just a few feet away from each other. By your logic, wouldnt the sheer quantity of spirits grouped together just randomnly cause people to have spiritual abilities?

The truth is, it doesn't. It doesnt matter if there are a thousand spirits around you (stadiums, airports), the number of spirits don't cause abilities. Thats just the way it is. You yourself must open up your own abilities.

Furthermore, absolutely they exist within the astral and ethereal realms, the whole article is about spiritual influence. Our spirits connect to them through the spiriual plane, for that is what the ethereal and astral planes are. Also- the spiritual plane is here on earth, and everywhere else, just as the physical plane is here on earth, and everwhere else. So its not exactly a location that they 'go' to. They are already there, here. In fact, our spirits are already there, here. We are not simply physical beings. That is the point of the whole original post.

One of the main intents of the article was to enlighten people with spiritual interest and who pursue spiritual endevours to be able to think outside of the limited physical box, and be able to understand and connect to the spirits around them. It seems to me that most people who have responded to this article in a negative way are forgetting that their interests are spiritual. Wether that be magic, witchcraft, satanism, spiritual christianity, jewish magic, shamanism, these are all spiritual endevours. You have jumped out of your physical mindset before- don't try to forget, that your not just a physical being.

Re: Seven Deadly Sins
Post # 40
"If you are going to argue against why they are, then you need to discuss why they are not."

Why what are not what? Honestly, you need to be more clear.

I don't believe every spirit is human, nor do I believe every spirit is an animal, that being said...

I don't believe every human or animal becomes a spirit, rather I believe that what you believe happens when you die happens, therefore not everyone becomes a spirit. Some go to their heaven, some go to their hell, some get reincarnated, some do not.

So...there wouldn't be billions and billions of them.

Also, you kinda ignored my questions as to why more people don't see and are affected by them than just a select few.

I have no need to meet every single spirit because as of yet, I have no reason to. But then again, I don't preach that spirits are making me do bad stuff so...yeah.

I don't think spirits and souls are the same thing.

Like my higher self is me, and not me at the same time. Like my spirit animal or totem or whatever he is is related to me...part of me, but not me.

I think, spirits have souls, not we are spirits. Because otherwise, whenever someone wants to end it all, they would just leave the physical rather than kill themselves.

People at random...but it would be more than just two people who seem to have gotten it all figured out wouldn't it?

No one else who sees spirits has even kind of come up with something remotely similar that I have seen. Lol.

Which, like I said, people aren't spirits. I think after we die, some of us may become spirits, but not all of us.

I have plans to be one with my higher self this time around and I hope I can actually do it.

And, I was always told they are different dimesions...wouldn't that imply that they take up different space while being on the same general area?

I never said we were, but I believe that ignoring the physical, in lui of the spiritual is...idiotic. I mean, holistic medicine can only do so much, so why not listen to the man who knows about AIDS medications and not the guy who thinks its purely ghosts?

Oh, and I don't forget that the world is more than physical...but I acknowledge the physical.

A post with info on all apsects could've been more helpful. ;)

Re: Seven Deadly Sins
Post # 41
The point was entirely missed. The article is not claiming that the spirits *make* anyone do anything. It's to understand why the human condition is as it is spiritually. What forces are working around us, etc.

That's it. If you feel it doesn't apply to you, then move on about your life and enjoy yourself.

This will be the last remark I make concerning this article. The original post speaks for itself.

Re: Seven Deadly Sins
Post # 42
This has gone far enough.
Sins are not a difficult concept to grasp.

The word is used to describe a strong belief against certain aspects.
Yes Sekhmet, they generally have something to do with religion as you never see Atheists worried about it.
Spirits chasing you, demons trying to trip you up... it's all a matter of belief.

If either of you are too caught up in technicalities to understand it's as simple as that I'll state it clearly for you:
What sin is, depends on who you ask of what belief.

Neither of you have any right to consider ANY belief wrong, and consider your own absolute fact.
Arguing about Sins like this is ridiculous, it's a doctrine, a religious concept, you can't prove or disprove ANY theory of it.
Just like Karma!

This thread is being locked because no one seems to be able to go about this in a civilized mannered. Further issues with such things can be taken up in email or discussed calmly.

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