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By: / Beginner
Post # 11
New classes start at Darkness of The Mind on 15th January. Welcome anyone who are interested to take these classes:

1. Basics of magick ( traditional and through mind power)

In this class our students will learn the basics of the craft what starts with understanding with written material, exercises and group training with live mentoring.

2. Spiritual awakening

In this class students will learn about spiritualism and all what goes with it in details.

3. Self development

This class for those ones who search for ways to better themself and their life and will get advices and ways how they can solve their problems and what is most important know their own self.

Requirements to sign to these classes is:
- membership on our teaching site http://www.darknessofthemind.com/
- being serious about learning and being active

The classes are free of charge.

If anyone has any question or need more information about the classes feel free to pm the High Priestess Lady Khariad Paraczus

May darkness guard and protect you all. Darkest blessings
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