Council Control options.

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Re: Council Control options.
Post # 4
Deleting your own spells might be useful for any member too.
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Re: Council Control options.
Post # 5
I personally think that if it ever entered a museum it shouldn't be needed to be taken out as museums only accept and display the finest or artwork.
Meaning- As council you should have thought about adding a spell and perfecting it before you did.

Did you?
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Re: Council Control options.
Post # 6
when youre a council you can still go into the spells you add and delete the words but if you've been demoted then u cant anymore and I would want to avoid giving the council too much power ^-^ Thats why we have the priest/ess they run the coven it's up to them to decide what to do
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Re: Council Control options.
Post # 7
Why not just ask the Priest/ess to delete it?
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Re: Council Control options.
Post # 8
If someone wants their jacks back due to something they feel is an important enough to remove to make a point. Then, I feel the person should be respected and be allowed to remove the spells.

The importance of that respect is vital. If they feel they were not worthy of the spells, they probably weren't worthy and should be allowed to take them back to make whatever point they wish.

There is another benefit to this action being allowed. It will not be done by but a rare few. So, if that is what makes them feel better about a negative impacted situation, I'd say let them take their jacks back. It's not like we can't get these spells, again. Most spells are not original, anyways.

The importance for giving this control is that even if we don't agree with a person or conflicts arise, if they are so moved to remove their share of a collective pot, then, there is nothing but negative in that pot.

We do not need to control people to the point of toxicity. Let it go. Let them take their jacks back and be done with it. It will prevent further infection of negativity amungst the group.
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Re: Council Control options.
Post # 9
Thank you for all your comments.
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Re: Council Control options.
Post # 10
I think the true owner of the spells is the person who made them and posted them. The coven has the honor of having spell writters. And spells should follow their owner. So if he exits the coven he takes his spells with him. Anything else would be theft.

I don't know how things work in real life covens but here on this site only 2 or 3 covens are worthy. Basically every coven except these 2-3 has a dictatorship. Run completely by inexperienced priests and priestess that lack common sense and IQ. Council members are just there for show.
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Re: Council Control options.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
I'm not sure when it changed but council use to be able to add/delete their own spells. I think it should still be that way. If one is leaving a coven or just want to remove it they should be allowed to remove the spells if they want to.
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Re: Council Control options.
Post # 12
thank you for your comments, thank you sue, all i was requesting to have control over "my" property, and if i choose to remove it for some reason why should this be a problem, people are stealing spells from other covens and it seems not to affect many people so why is this a fuss?
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Re: Council Control options.
Post # 13
Serpentfire: It IS your property as soon as you write it, based on international copyright laws. If you can't take it down, ask the Priest or Priestess to do so. I would take down anything anyone put up if they asked me is their right. If they don't, can an admin or mod help you?
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