
CovenDivine Spirits ► Vitakinesis
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Post # 1
Hello i am Darkermaster (Lee) the priest of deep arts. This is a form of kinesis i had never heard about before. I have researched it and i would like to share it.

Vitakinesis is the power to heal oneself and others, it is a form of modification and manipulation of the regenerative cycle. This is achieved both on a physical and spiritual level, someone with a minor level of this practice would be able to heal aches and pains and minor discomfort. However when you reach an advanced level you would be able to heal wounds, rid the body of disease, and possibly save a person from the brink of deaths door.


A form of technique used to determine ones own health and is the first step to practicing Vitakinesis. It is the ability to draw out pain from the source and drain out energy from an individual of unnecessarily large amounts. To do this you simply visualize the energy flowing into yourself and taking root in oneself. But this technique is very dangerous to someone who is not practiced in this art. It is also a good thing to do in healing energy, this being the energy and light are drawn from the individual or something.

Intermediate Techniques

Drawing out the arrow. This technique is a focused one and can be used either on a spiritual or physical level of healing. Simply place your hands above the area that needs healing encircling it with your energy. Simply block out all other existence from your mind, then slowly start pulling out the pain. While doing this, picture it as an object of any kind that represents the damage in your mind, like drawing an arrow from it. Pull the arrow both mentally and physically until the pain etc has been removed. Then you must convert the energy into something positive, this can be anything you see as positive. A bunch of flowers, butterflies ect, and release this out into the world With good intentions. Use this technique regularly to strengthen it.

Flooding / Droughting technique

This technique is used for general healing and may not be as precise as other techniques. To be able to do this you must first visualize and feel the energy being drawn to you and coming through you From the earth. You must then flood the persons body with healing energy of light, overtaking and banishing all darkness. Visualize the healing light pouring out of this person through their eyes, skin etc, until you feel you are overwhelmed by it, do not draw the energy back just leave it there. Continue by pulling all the darkness out of the body (not the light energy) gather up all the dark energy into your palms until you cant handle it no-more. Then release into the world as in the drawing arrow technique stated.

Advanced Technique

Cauterizing. This technique is used to heal physical gashes, spiritual / emotional gashes. To do this use the same healing energy from the flooding technique, but you must visualize it burning, condensed and heavy. Simply let it sit in your palms, then rub your hands over the areas to be healed


This technique is used by turning your healing energy into a glowing putty between your hands. Then spreading over the wounds allowing it to penetrate deep curing any pains, bruises etc

A more advanced technique

This is a technique done by creating talons. You must visualize healing energy like before, but its done by visualizing a talon like grip on the illness. Pry the talons out one by one. Then visualize and create a barrier of healing energy, so the illness will not be able to take hold again. Before attempting this protect yourself by visualizing a white light of healing energy surrounding you. This will create a link between yourself and the person you are attempting to heal. Then in order to create a bandage, simply form your healing energy into a weave of threads that represent each of the four elements, water, fire, earth and air, weaving it over the wound and the persons body. Well rooting it in place. Once you feel you have removed the illness, slice through it with healing energy, killing this illness off completely. Make sure you do this thoroughly

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