Psych. Darkness Lesson1

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Psych. Darkness Lesson1
Post # 1

1. Introduction/ Pieces of Your Mind
- Introduce students to concept of Psychological Darkness and explain basic elements of human mind.
2. EDP, Elaborate, Defend, Prove
- Show the need to be able to elaborate, defend, and prove answers to questions asked throughout the course and the importance of these skills.
3. A Dilemma of Darkness
- Explain the dilemma of something being consumed/ destroyed by darkness vs. something being nurtured/created. Also attempt to explain elements of trickery that Darkness uses.
4. Project (Self Inventory)
- Take an inventory of yourself on the deepest most personal level possible. This includes things both bad and good. This is to be a tool just for you.
5. DDD (Deception, Denial, Destruction)
- Basically a more detailed look at one of darkness’s most useful/ most used tricks and the consequences that it can cause.
6. Questions For The Soul
- Explain the need and importance of balance within an individual’s soul, present a series of questions truly meant to make students think.
7. Glass Box Lesson
- Introduce the concept of the Glass Box that lies within our soul and elaborate upon that concept.
8. Seeing From Outside the Glass
- Presents the theory, but not the tools to see things from outside of the glass. This lesson helps set up the very foundation of the next course.
9. Reassessment of Inner Darkness
- This is an opportunity to see the expansion and growth made in the concept of yourself and the darkness contained within you since Lesson 4.
10. First Step Over the Edge
- Review concepts of Psychological Darkness1,Outline the principles to be discussed in Psychological Darkness2, and present to the students the hardest question that they will have faced yet.

Necessities For Successful Completion of Psychological Darkness
1. An open mind, heart, and soul that is not already consumed by Darkness.
2. A willingness to be open within the forum to the questions presented at the end of each lesson (with the exception of four). Answer the given question as best as possible. Part of coming to understand your Psychological Darkness is the strength within the light of the forums.
3. Commitment to check, read, and complete new lessons at least once a week. If you cannot apply one day of the week to this class, a couple hours of your time, and the knowledge that you already hold, then you will never be successful at this class and its reasons.
4. Overall willingness to participate. This means not only checking, reading, completing, what you are supposed to be willing to participate in the class, but also to be willing to participate in the listening to others.
5. A strong yet open sense of will. This is needed to prevent psychological breakdown of students as we learn to grasp our own Psychological Darkness. A person that is strong to the sense of stubbornness, will never take the time to listen so that they may learn. A person with a closed sense of will also lacks the overall competence to listen to the messages of the wind.

These are the things that I can think of right now, granted, this list is subject to change over the course of time, at which point all students will be notified. If you feel like you cannot acquire the things needed to be successful in this class, then get out now. I promise you that by the end of Psychological Darkness1 that all of you will have a deeper, more meaningful, and posses more wisdom to understand the Darkness that is Rising within you! Also, at the end of all the lessons I plan on writing up some type of form to where the students who took the class may rate the value of it to them.

Lesson 1: A Basic Introduction/ Pieces of Your Psychology

There are many concepts that I will explore with these lessons, but that is it, they will only
be concepts. These lessons are so that a person can understand the Psychological Darkness that lies within them. They are meant to teach a person about themselves because a person must first totally understand who, where, and why they belong in the Universe. Part of this process is being able to comprehend the Darkness that is rising up within each of us!

Let me first give my understanding of what our coven title of Darkness Rising means. It simply isn’t about the darkness, which is the utter perfection of evil, that you can at times feel rising up inside of you, its not about learning to destroy with darkness, our coven of Darkness Rising is about learning to accept, control, and use that Darkness that rises up and is inside each and everyone of us.

However, we often forget the first part of what we must do as a member of this coven, and that is acceptance to the fact that Darkness is indeed a perfection that is within us all. To truly accept means to truly know yourself in the deepest manner. This includes physically, emotionally, and spiritually. That is what true acceptance is. With true acceptance of oneself, comes the true power that lies behind the coven of Darkness Rising.
End Introduction

Pieces of Your Psychology

To first understand the darker concepts within your mind, first you must know the structure of the human mind. Granted, there are many debatable theories on this idea. I however choose to lean more toward the ideas of Carl Jung. The mind exists essentially in three pieces, The Conscious, The Sub-Conscious, and the Super/Universal Conscious. Keep in mind though, these are just the three most basic pieces and that each also have many other underlying characteristics.

Think of the three of them in this way, like a vast desert. We each draw different conscious sensations while in this desert, these differences are clearly visible on the surface of the sand (hence, the conscious mind is the very surface of your mind). However, just because the surface of the sand is moving in a knowing manner does not mean that a wind cannot quickly change how the surface appears. For no apparent reason it could blow, changing the look of everything. The wind is the Sub-conscious mind, doing things and changing things without our knowing or our understanding. There is one thing though about this vast desert that is truly glorious. Despite the mounds of shifting sands, the varying directions of the wind, and the ever changing landscape, we are all still the same, an endless shifting sea of sand, a Super/Universal Consciousness. So I propose the question for lesson one, there is no right or wrong, only your reflection upon a question.

1. Explain what the conscious, sub-conscious, and the Super/Universal conscious is within your own realm of understanding. Be honest with yourself, because learning will be largely based on how you already understand things and concepts yourself. We all learn differently, each path to knowing oneself is different for all, with that, I end lesson one! (Answer This Question Within The Thread, So that I may see your response as well as ne one else who wishes to see it)


Re: Psych. Darkness Lesson1
Post # 2
i think the conscious is what people use but never get past.
the sub-conscious is what people always use but never realize that there smarter and have better ideas with out everr realizing it.
as for the universalconscious i think that it is what most people will never get to know matter what, i think that if some people whould try and get a grasp on the different lvs of consciousness then they could achevive any thing

Re: Psych. Darkness Lesson1
Post # 3
I think that conscious is what we use all the time, what we know, what we do(control movements/talk/everything that we have control over our body)

Sub conscious is also kind of a mind that works all the time, but without our knowing, and it affects our conscious decisions greatly.

And for universal consciousness I think its some kind of telepathic connection between beings. OR something like that, that connects us into one bigger whole.

(sorry if my english is bad, its not my first language.)

Re: Psych. Darkness Lesson1
Post # 4
1. Explain what the conscious, sub-conscious, and the Super/Universal conscious is within your own realm of understanding.

The conscious is what most focus on because it is what is readily seen to that person. The conscious reacts among the Super/Universal consciousness because that is what it sees. We see how our own actions react with others and that is a reason that the individual conscious is ever changing.

The subconscious acts and reacts with the Super/Universal conscious. Without the Super/Universal consciousness we would not see the changes within our conscious mind because there is nothing to judge it against. The judgment of our conscious mind is the reaction to how the subconscious mind reacts to the Super/Universal consciousness.

This is all within our realm of understand because once you know that it is all interconnected, you can start to see the way one action does not change just one thing. It changes everything. An example of this is:

Even though you may not see it, giving a dollar to a charity may have given them that one dollar they needed to reach that one person on the other side of the world that became the person who found a cure for cancer. If that dollar had been spent in another way, that person may not have been saved.

Once we start to see that everything is connected, we begin to understand that everything has meaning. In this, we begin to see our actions differently. We start to listen to what our subconscious (intuition) tells us more. The subconscious is more in tune with the Super/Universal conscious. Once we start to see that, we listen differently to it. We begin acting with rather than against our subconscious. Therefore we are more in tune with the Super/Universal Conscious.


Re: Psych. Darkness Lesson1
Post # 5
i think that the conscious mind is the were everyone knows about it but never reach there full pertenchal the sub-conscious mind is were not alot of people now about it but some do and its a powerful part of ur mind that let u see things like ghosts and stuff as for the Super/Universal conscious is were the mind is like link to everything and once unlocked u are one with everything and is the most difficult part of ur mind to unlock near enought on the impossible scale!!!!!

Re: Psych. Darkness Lesso
Post # 6
consciousness is perception of the primarily aware mind
the sub conscious is untaped by many people of increased awareness often most expressed in sleep its primary function is acceptance but has many subfuntions
the ultra conscious mind is only taped once both the conscious mind and subconscious mind is pushed past there limit it is all and nothing its limits of understanding is near infinite forgive the poorly written response i would need to write a book to describe my theory’s in full and then a couple of them would contradict this.but i simpled it up

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