DR Forum Revival

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DR Forum Revival
Post # 1
There are many great things contained within our forums, however, one thing I have noticed is that the vast majority of the material in them is seemingly endless thread about different things. Dont get me wrong,these threads have much valuable information within them, but that is it, information, with no discussion. A thread might have 100's of views but maybe only one reply.

What I plan on doing with this thread is simply an attempt to add a little more discussion and organization into our coven forum. And I do pla on bumping this thread as much as possible as a reminder of this.Normally, I wouldnt do something as repetitive as bumping a thread, but this is all for the sake of magick, specifically for our coven of Darkness Rising!

The sheer lack of discussion and the clutter of our forum is indeed putting a strain upon our coven. It is actually sometimes better to purposely leave questions so at least that way a person who views the thread is more likely to answer the question. And that creates what, discussion! Just by one person answering that one question, another one may jump in and say something else. They will discuss the presented question! One of the best ways to learn is to question! Lets make one another think within our coven forum!

Also, to those of you who write long threads ( I do this to sometimes), why not try breaking them up into seperate threads so that it isnt just all information with no opportunities for ppl to ask questions about the information already posted! Doing this gives all that good information to be expanded upon so much more with good questions by members.

Also, let me present one more item really quickly for those of you who write long threads, Im refering to why not leave a question in part of it, that would lead into the nxt half of your thread. Normally, all ppl who read long threads that can take literal hrs to read might learn valuable information, but no discussion.

All I am saying is keep the arguing down in threads and the discussion up. Just run your thread like a series, see hjow many ppl answered your question, and number of views and if it is a satisfactory number, realise section two of your thread with the same set up! Use these tips to help generate discussion, add some organization to our fourms, and to help our coven become the best coven that is possible!


Re: DR Forum Revival
Post # 2
Im suggesting having a stuck thread for those who wish to teach. Many lessons posted seperatly tend to become disorganized or lost altogether confusing members and making it difficult for them to learn the things they need to!actually im more than just suggesting it i think it is vital to our success!

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