Animal associations

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Animal associations
Post # 1
rst off when working with animals spiritually or physically follow the rules of conduct a type of etiquette we ask them nicely for help not order them and then say thankyou when we are done in druidism and native american offerings and gifts are considered a normal craft .best way to do this is leave food and drink out for the animals this is a physical of saying thankyou

Aardvark] finding hidden things

Armadillo] personal protection.empathy

Badger] courage ,bold self-expression

Barracuda] making it on your own

bat] initiation .intuition ,revealing secrets,transition

Bear] healing,medical diagnosis,strength

Bee] community, clan,work, industry. organization

Blackbird] enchantment; between- the - worlds work

Black water spider] weaving a new fate

Boar] strength family protection, warrior, spirit leadership

Bobcat] solitary magick; psychic warning; secrets

Bull] wealth,creativity,ability ,to expand

Butterfly] transformation,dance,artistic endevors

Camel] survival,during lean times

Cat] magick;mystery;independence; psychic warning; grace

Chameleon] changing enviroment; camouflage

Cheetah] speed flexibility

Chipmunk] finding treasures in the earth,working for the future

Cicada] happiness; joy

Clam] closing ranks for protection

Cobra] swift; decisive action

Copperhead] aggressive healing; psychism

Cougar] power, agility

Crab] good luck; protection; success

Cricket] luck .faith. intuition

Crocodile] primal strength; creation; patience; great mother; balance

Daddy longlegs spider] invisibility;

Deer] nature

Dog] guidance; protection; loyalty; frienship

Dingo] relentless pursuit of Goals

Dolphin] intelligence; psychism; community; protection

Dragonfly] dreams; psychism artistry

Eagle] intelligence; courage; decision making; carrier of prayers

Earthworm] reworking old projects; investigation

Elephant] prosperity; power strength

Ferret] stealth; agility; uncovering the truth

Firefly] hope ; inspiration;beginnings;ideas; creativity

Fox] shapeshifting ; transformation; cunning;diplomacy

Frog] new beginnings; abundance; medicine; hidden beauty

Garter snake] activity ; opportunity

Gecko] overcoming strife

Goat] reaching success; confidence

Goose] protection; parenting; perseverance

Goldfish] peace; prosperity

Guinea pig ] group mind

Hawk] cleansing; nobility; remembering; clarity; spirit messenger

Hippopotamus] transformation; initiation; creative power

Horse] the goddess; travel between the worlds; rebirth ,grace

Hummingbird] repair relationships difficulties; healing

Hyena] family/clan life; group mind; heightened perception

Impala] grace

Jackal] protection from hidden dangers; guidance

Jaguar] reclaiming power; strength; speed; ability

Kangaroo] forward movement

Koala] serenity; peace; removing sickness

Komodo dragon] long life survival

Lady bug] wish fulfillment; luck; protection; prosperity

Lemur] heralds ghosts

Leopard] ghost buster; overcoming bad habits;destroying jealousy; intuition

Lion] courage; strength; loyalty

Lizard] patience; dreaming

Loon] creative inspiration; fidelity

Lynx] visionquestioning; visionary work;cutting edge mentality

Mole] luck

Moth] sending and receiving messages

Mouse] attention to detail

Muskrat] navigating through tricky situations

Mussels] filtering information

Octopus; creative center; intelligence; power

Otter] sharing; playfulness; grace in the water; learning to swim

Owl] wisdom; heightening perception; discernment; female magick;messages to and from the dead

Panda] nourishment; finding the heart of a problem

Panther] regaining one;s power; protection; finding information;dark mother

Pig] abundance; fertility; intelligence;

Polar bear] supernatural power; guides between the worlds

praying mantis] finding solutions to problems; dreaming; using the higher mind

Rabbit] balance; rebirth; intuition; messages from the spirit world

Raccoon] dexterity; glamouries; secrecy

Ram] achievement;strength;success

Rat] intelligence;socialization success

Rattlesnake] transformation;healing; cycle of life and death

Raven] healing; initiation
; protection; messages; wisdom; balance

Rhinoceros] ancient wisdom

Salamander] inspiration;help; creativity

Scorpion] transformation; success;cycle of life and death; protection; weather

Sea horse] honor; codes of conduct ; creativity

Seal] dreaming the collective conscious; birth ;imagination

SHARK] relentless ferocity; intuition

Siberian tiger] creativity; power; passion; unpredictable

Snake] initiation;wisdom

Spider] weaving strong magick ;fate; spiral energy

STAR FISH] working toward desires; regeneration

stick bug ] camouflage; focus

Squirrel] preparation; saving money; collecting

Swan] love ; beauty;healing ; dreaming

Tiger] strength; power; new adventures;family magick

TOAD] inner strength; protection

TURKEY] increase material abundance

Turtle] faith; patience; rewards;wisdom; creation

Wolf] family; clan; teachings;protection; intuition strength

Wolverine] boldness; ferocity

ZEBRA] agility; finding individuality within a group

hope you all got something from this post

bright blessings sue

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