Auric strenghtening

CovenDarkness Rising ► Auric strenghtening
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Auric strenghtening
Post # 1
Lie down and relax. Close your eyes. In your mind, imagine your aura moving all the way out to the edges of the room: now slowly bring it back. You can imagine the aura as light, or bands of color - it doesn't matter. Some people have a hard time imagining things, so if this is you, dont fret, work on ''feeling'' instead. Do this ten times. Now imagine that your aura only goes halfway across the room: bring it back. Repeat ten times. Finally, imagine that your aura is compacted to three inches from your skin, like a tight shield that nothing can get through ( sort of like a force field ). pull it back. Practice this ten times. Do this everyday for one month. Write down the changes in daily life that you experience as a result. For extra practice, do the exercise twice a day. if you are a person that can go the long haul, keep up the exercise for six months.

blessed be sue x

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