Astrological Genealogy

CovenDarkness Rising ► Astrological Genealogy
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Astrological Genealogy
Post # 1
First, for those that do not know, genealogy is the study of a persons ancestry. That idea has been the interest of many ppl who wish to trace their roots and heritage...I have taken that general idea and have expanded upon it...Here are the basic ideas that it is based upon

1. We all live within the same universe, a universe that is forever expanding.

2. Since we are all born from this universe essentially, we are all linked to one another, each of us having a piece of the universe within us, and each having that same one piece.

3. Families also share pieces of each other and general traits.

4. Ppl have used the stars to predict many things (I consider this idea a lil different than prophecy, I will explain l8er in the thread)

5. The universe functions in an endless series of patterns that can b revealed.

B4 I started typing this thread, I asked around if ne one had ever heard of a similar idea and if so, what was it called...nobody could give me an answer besides prophecy...however, this idea differs from just prophecy. Granted, it does use prophecy, Im not saying its completely different bc it isnt. The reason that a person would do Astrological Genealogy is to attempt to trace his families journey through the sky so to speak. Consider this, if we could do that with families we would b able to get astrological similarities, the energy pattern of a family, and patterns in the stars that will relate to your individual family but humanity as a whole as well. One of the biggest differences b/w this and prophecy is that with Astrological Genealogy there is a large amount of science involved as well as magick. However, keep in mind that this is just an idea/theory for the moment that is going to take great time and great work to fully complete.

Next, let me explain about patterns. Patterns can at times be very visible or they can be hidden under layers blocked from sight. Some of the most visible patterns are those that are saw within families. There are often patterns to them both physically and mentally. Mankind also creates patterns. If we create our own patterns, and there are patterns in families what does it mean? Well, we all come from the energy of the universe, a universe that also largely functions upon different patterns. So could we not start with our families Astrological Genealogy to help further understanding the patterns and energy of the universe? Even more so, if a substantial number of ppl did this then they could compare their families to others and attempt to seek out more patterns.

This is more or less a shell to this whole thing and I will continue developing the idea. It will be an ongoing process that is for sure! If anyone has ne comments or suggestions plz post and let me know!


Re: Astrological Genealogy
Post # 2
why do we need to know about this? it doesnt makes you "cool" to know who your ancestor are shouldnt we focus on the life we have now?

Re: Astrological Genealogy
Post # 3
I am not trying to be cool...I am trying to get feedback/help with a growing idea...u can learn many things from the sky, take the Mayans, Nostradamus, Capurnicus (probably mis spelled that last one) for isnt a matter of being "cool" though it is a tool to help find where individuals lie in the grand scheme of the universe...It is one of many keys to help find meaning and understanding in Life...and as for living for now,doesn't that seem a lil nearsighted? not trying to insult ne one, but each day is a blessing that we are not guaranteed, so simply just living for the moment is a slap in the face to that blessing...

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