what makes a priestess

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what makes a priestess
Post # 1
ok- i just found out me and ms. hutches have the same abilities or ""gifts""-- i was tossed in the hospital by my family because of this ability.. and i have kept a low profile and have been alone in this so far--- i will say a few years ago i did holy bath rituals, it consisted of holy water, baking soda, salt and cider vinegar and meditation and the ritual... and i did a dedication of myself to god(i was facing east at sunrise when did this) what did i do to myself............... eosjos
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Re: what makes a priestess
Post # 2
Not exactly sure....most likely nothing...just a psychosomatic ritual to help you feel closer to a higher power.
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Re: what makes a priestess
Post # 3
Heres a link to the drawing down the moon ritual, often performed by HPS, which allows them to become connected to the goddess and speak as her. Hope this helps.

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Re: what makes a priestess
Post # 4
Often rituals and spells only have the affect you will them to or something similar to the desire. If any of the components for your ritual had chemicals or otherwise human-effecting substances in them then to find out what you did to yourself aside from what you wanted to do to yourself you should look into what those items do.

To answer what I thought the question was in the topic of this thread, it would be the same as what makes a Priest. Both must have leadership traits and qualities. A love for all their followers, knowledge to share, loyalty, activity within the group, authority, Etc.
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