Psychic Development

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Psychic Development
Post # 1

Grounding gives you a strong base and centred energy to begin psychic work or meditation, it is how we shed the dross of the day and prepare ourselves to work safely, in the moment. Grounding and protection also play an important role in keeping us safe whenever we encounter paranormal activity, even if we weren't looking for it!

Grounding Meditation

Place your feet flat on the floor and breathe in deeply. On the exhale, picture the excess energy flowing out of your feet and into the Earth.
Keep doing this until you feel calm. Usually my feet feel very heavy after doing this. Breathe deep from your root chakra at the base of your spine or even visualise yourself breathing up through your feet. Feel and “see” the earth beneath your feet, you may even wish to imagine the smell of the earth.

Visualise roots growing from within the earth, wrapping firmly around your feet and ankles, up around your calves to the knees. See these roots anchored securely around a black tourmaline crystal sphere deep within the earth. Be safe in the knowledge that any energy that isn't your own will leave your auric field and will travel down these roots into the earth and be transformed into positive energy.

With either of these grounding meditations complete you are now ready to go on ..


Why do we need it?

The key to spiritual protection is practice!

It is essential to protect your self and be able to "open up" and "close down" in order to avoid psychic events taking over your life 24 – 7.

If you stay "open" all the time, you are attracting spiritual and psychic energies, like a moth is attracted to a flame, Spirit can see who is sensitive to their presence and will seek you out if they want to communicate.

Also remaining open will drain your energy – your physical vibration is raised while open, you are expending energy and emitting energy from your own aura – this is draining and will lead to psychic, mental & physical burn out. You will become run down, sleepless and generally unwell if not worse! Imagine leaving a powerful heater on maximum burn all the time, something will give out eventually!!!

Psychic development should not be taken lightly, it is a commitment to yourself, and corners should not be cut.

It is extremely dangerous to dabble in spirit communication without preparing yourself thoroughly and arming your mind with the protection it needs! There are forces that can and will do harm if you walk around opened up all the time – think of it like an internet connection with no firewall or anti-virus protection – sooner or later there will be a problem.

It is essential to learn how to control the level of activity within yourself, as this is key to avoiding unwelcome or inappropriately timed communication or "bad" experiences with low entities.

Spirit on the whole will respect your mental and physical space, and if you ask not to receive certain methods of communication, or ask to be left alone at certain times (e.g. at bedtime) your wishes will generally complied with. If an important message needs to be given then there may be exceptions..

For example, I often ask Spirit not to materialise in front of me but to speak to me or show images and channel emotion to me instead.

Of course, Spirit itself can not & will not be controlled by the medium -it is after all the ultimate essence of the souls’ freedom. We are in control of a spirit no more than we are control of a person on the other end of a telephone line – all we are doing is communicating.

There will be rare times when strong (but friendly!) Spirit will find a way to get a message through, even when you are closed down, but I really don’t recommend rushing up to complete strangers to give them a message – they will think you are crazy!! I am happy to say these instances become extremely rare if you do your protection exercise regularly. Ensuring you are closed down before entering crowded places or using public transport is wise.

In time you will "become" protected by Spirit itself.

Some people never have a bad experience in their entire life – and don’t see the need to protect themselves .. but my personal belief is that is better to ensure we are safe before a problem arises than to deal with a bad experience.

I also received some good advice from Johanna Widdowson, a Bach Flower Remedy practitioner when she read my pages on protection advice. She adds…

“Walnut - the Bach Remedy - is used for 'protection from outside influences'…Actually, it would be a good idea for you to buy yourself a 20ml stock bottle of Walnut, and use it as a natural support to your protection practices. (Stock bottles are so-called because they just contain pure stock remedy, as opposed to a treatment bottle which is prepared with water.) If you've got a Boots or chemist that stocks Bach Remedies near you, you should be able to buy a bottle for between £5 and £6...and it will last you ages (only 2 drops for each treatment bottle!).

I took Johanna’s advice, and it does help.

Here are some essential protection exercises - these are basics of protection and will ensure a safe development environment to work in before meditation or opening up the third eye:


You can do this anywhere, I personally go through my protection with eyes closed and don’t speak out loud – I know other mediums who do theirs eyes open & speaking – whatever suits you is fine!

You can be sitting, standing or lying down, just as long as you are comfortable and not restricted in any way as this will distract you.

You may wish to light incense, clear your space with sound, or hold a crystal, a wand or nothing at all – use the tools that feel right to you if you need them.

1)Close your eyes or focus on a candle flame.

Take deep breaths, allowing the air to come into your body to cleanse and relax you.

Breathe slowly and deeply. Do this until you feel comfortable and relaxed.

2)Visualise a strong, beautiful white expanse of pure light far above you. See a ray of this light extend down to you - the light comes from above, it is of the same essence as life itself, it is Universal life force energy from the source of creation, pure and filled with love, warmth & great protection.

3)You feel the light surround your body, covering you, filling you up from top to toe, totally enclosing you in its protection. Feel the warmth, the love and safety the light brings.

Now the light forms a bubble, extending to about 2 feet around your whole body starting at the top of your head. It is a strong elastic white bubble that is full of the same universal energy you surrounded and immersed yourself in, and brings the powerful protection of Great Spirit. Every cell of your body is being bathed by the light, you are safe here, no harm can come to you.

4)Take a long, deep breath and feel the peace and love as your body completely relaxes now in its protective bubble of white light, feeling very calm and peaceful.

(If you have trouble visualising this feeling, visualise and hold that feeling of being immersed in a nice hot bubble bath – nice !)

5)Now ask Spirit for protection. You may word it as you wish, here's a couple of typical examples to give you an idea br]

"Great Spirit, please grant me your protection, in peace, in wisdom, for truth, and love, keep me safe in your power as I work."


"I come in search of the righteous light, for within the pure light of truth and safety I know no harm can come to me. Please protect me and my loved ones in your power."

6)Reinforce that bubble, feel the sense that you can send thought out and move around freely, but nothing can come inside your bubble to harm you.

You can reinforce your bubble at any time by blasting out a shockwave ring of white light from your inner reserve – see it firing out from your solar plexus or tantien energy centre (just below the navel) in a ring of energy.

You are now ready to open up!

Re: Psychic Development
Post # 2
Opening the Third Eye

ALWAYS do your Spiritual Protection Exercise first, ONLY then are you ready or able to open safely.

1) Speak a personal prayer that relates to what you do.


"Please grant me the ability to impart love, light and insight with clarity and perception"


"Can you please help me to speak confidently and accurately to help this person along their way". Choose words you are comfortable with & clearly state your good intent to Spirit, yourself and others.

2)If you know your Spirit guide by name, and have had introduction to them previously (see Meet Your Spirit Guide) you can call upon them by name to ask for their help and guidance now ..

– however –

If you haven’t had an introduction to your guide yet DO NOT offer a general invite at this point for all and sundry in Spirit to guide you. Ask for the angels to work with your guide and for your loved ones to draw near and protect you as you work. Never EVER say “is there anybody there?” :0)

Now onto the next step:

3)The Third Eye

I find it useful to visualise a "third eye" opening up when I am ready to communicate. You can open your mind to spirit communication in a variety of ways and can see this as anything that resonates with you.

For example :

a third beautiful eye on the centre of your brow, any colour you like

a rose or any flower you love blooming petal by petal,

a sunrise, stage by stage

a tap being turned on and water flowing from it

a dam opening

a beam of pure light emanating from your eyes or from your crown chakra up into spirit.

A door opening into a room of light

Curtains opening onto a bright lit movie screen

Your visualisation of opening up is your own, so you may visualise anything positive that helps you, or any combination of things.

Keep your breathing deep and even, feel clean and pure energy rushing in and protection and love all around you.

If you feel at all scared or unsafe at any time then close down immediately (click here for how to close safely!)

Now feel the connection reaching out from you, stretching out and expanding outwards and upwards to spirit - feel your aura expand outwards and upwards as you do. (If you feel more comfortable by just sending an offshoot of your aura (picture a solar flare) then do so).

This is raising your vibrational energy – imagine every atom and molecule in your body speeding up as they vibrate in place,faster and faster..

Feel with your mind and heart together. Some people experience a mental shift, or click - others experience numbness of part of the face, arms or legs which indicates for them that a connection is made.

Reach outwards and connect with spirit. Feel safe in the knowledge you are protected and loved, that any communication is in love and light with pure intent only.

Ask for loved ones and your guide to draw close and ask for any experience to be only for your greater good.

It is a good idea to have a notebook and pen handy to write down what you see feel and hear afterwards.

What sensations do you feel within your body?

What can you hear, see, and smell?

Do you feel any cold or warm spots?

Do have an impression of someone drawing close to you?

What emotions do you feel, and do these feel like yours?

Do you feel a light touch on your hair, hands or face?

Initially only remain open for 5 or 10 minutes in your first session. You can increase this by a few minutes daily but don't exceed 30 minutes until you are able to communicate with confidence.

Make sure to date your notes as you can refer back and chart your progress and see how far you progress in a short space of time. Make sure you write down any experiences you have outside of your designated meditation times too

Re: Psychic Development
Post # 3
There are many ways in which one can meditate, and everyone has a different way which suits them. Learning to quiet the mind at will, or turning inwards is one of the most crucial tools in psychic and spiritual development.

Meditation is something that does take some time to learn. Please do not become frustrated if your mind fills with thoughts when you first begin! Just keep trying and it will finally “click” for you. It should become a natural and effortless thing, so that when you feel stress you will be equipped to know how to relax quickly.

Some frequently asked questions :

Why Meditate?
People who meditate regularly become less stressed, let the small (or big) stuff go straight over their heads, feel calmer, happier and more at peace. The senses become sharper and you may even enhance your psychic capabilities too or meet your spirit guides.

What happens when you meditate?
Real mental and physical relaxation!

Your brain waves shift from waking state to alpha state, the same state as us clairvoyants and mediums shift to. Your waking mind and subconscious mind work as one, bringing clarity, focus, understanding, peace, happiness, and positivity. Your problems seem lessened, and your feeling of contentment increases. You feel at peace with the world.

How do we meditate?
There are many, different ways to meditate. None 'better' than any other, it's a matter of individual choice. A few examples:

Focusing on:



a candle - stare at it, what can you see in the flame?

A crystal – feel its smoothness or its texture, how cool or warm it is to the touch

Sound. Listening to calming music, or use a mantra, constant repetition of a word or phrase can help to quiet the mind if thoughts keep popping in.

A single word, examining what it means to you, what memories it invokes etc.

Touch - fabric, worry beads, a crystal.
Meditate on a particular issue - ask a question and wait in the stillness for some guidance

Movement – go for a slow walk in a pleasant space, be aware of your movements - each step – be truly in the moment and feel how your weight moves through your feet, how your hips move etc.

Affirmations and/or visualisations for specific issues.
Guided visualisations, cds or visual aids

How often should I meditate?
Regular practice will yield best results.
If possible, try at least 10 minutes, daily. If you can discipline yourself to do it for a few days you will then most likely find that you look forward to it and miss it when you can't manage it. You will notice the effects very quickly and find yourself going back into medi mode several times a day - because it's a wonderful place to be - and because you can!
However if you really can't manage every day, obviously occasionally is better than never.

When should I meditate?
Whenever you can! At around the same time each day if you can, to add to the 'ritual' (see next paragraph). Whenever you get the chance!

Where should I meditate?
Anywhere you can! In the office, on a train, in a traffic jam (NOT while actually driving though!). In a museum or art gallery, walking, waiting for the bus. Be selective about the techniques used depending on the setting, but it's fine to do a meditation on the moment, for example, when eating a meal, appreciate the qualities of your food : its colour, texture, shape, smell, temperature and flavour.

For regular practise at home you may want to designate a particular space. This could be a cushion on the floor, a corner of the garden shed or a whole room. Perhaps you’d like a little meditation altar and furnish it with things you love. Candles, incense, crystals, aromatic oils, a small bell, some feathers, stones, flowers, twigs - whatever means something to you. Performing a ritual such as lighting candles, burning incense , ringing the bell, playing your singing bowl or a gentle piece of music will eventually shorten the time it takes for you to reach a meditative state, because you will become 'conditioned' by the ritual and go within without any effort.

Learning to meditate is a major key to your psychic development.

Here are some easy, short meditations which may help you to find your own way of meditating.


Grounding is when we need to have a strong base and centred energy to begin psychic work or meditation, it is how we shed the dross of the day and prepare ourselves to work safely, in the moment.

Meditation 1

This works great for those times at work when you just can't seem to keep your feet still or relax.

Place your feet flat on the floor and breathe in deeply. On the exhale, picture the excess energy flowing out of your feet and into the Earth.

Keep doing this until you feel calm. Usually my feet feel very heavy after doing this.

Meditation 2

Breathe deep from your root chakra at the base of your spine or even visualise yourself breathing up through your feet.

Feel and “see” the earth beneath your feet, you may even wish to imagine the smell of the earth..

Visualise roots growing from within the earth, wrapping firmly around your feet and ankles, up around your calves to the knees. See these roots anchored securely around a black tourmaline crystal sphere deep within the earth.

Be safe in the knowledge that any energy that isn't your own will leave your auric field and will travel down these roots into the earth and be transformed into positive energy.

With either of these grounding meditations complete you are now ready to go on with any meditation.. some of the following may be useful:

A Centring Meditation:

Sit any way that you feel comfy, so long as your spine is straight.

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take very long and very deep breaths through your nose.

Each time you breathe in, hold it for 2 or 3 seconds and then slowly exhale. Continue this breathing until you feel very calm and peaceful. This usually takes 3-5 minutes
( but that is just me).

Take as long as you need. It is different for everyone. Just go at your own pace.

You can also use sound to centre yourself. Just sit quietly and ring a small bell or chimes, or use a Tibetan singing bowl.

Focus on the soft sound and breathe deeply.

Keep making the noise until you feel centred.

A Basic Meditation with a Candle or Incense

This is a useful meditation for relaxation, relieving stress and beginning your journey into more complex visualisation and meditations.

This meditation is very important in quieting the mind, which is a stepping stone to other meditations and visualisation.

Before you begin this meditation it is important to understand the purpose behind it. What should be achieved is the feeling of your thoughts slowing down and hopefully in time, you will reach the point of turning your thoughts off completely.

It is quietness you are seeking.

A few recommendations before beginning:

Choose a quiet location where you will not be disturbed, a lot of people find the bath the best place to meditate.

Wear comfortable clothes (or obviously none if you are in the bath! :0)). Dim the lights as much as possible. If you are new to meditation, it may be helpful to begin by doing your meditation in the morning when you first get out of bed. Your mind won’t be as full with the thoughts of the day and it will be easier to quieten down the thoughts that do pop in.

A focal point is required for this form of meditation, a candle or incense or anything simple as your focal point will do, even a dot on a wall!

Begin in a reclined but seated position, either in a comfortable chair, recliner or in the bath.

Position the object you are using as your focal point at eye level in front of you.

To begin, look at your object and focus all your attention on it. Notice the flame of the candle and how it bends this way and that. Notice how the smoke rises from the incense, or notice the shape of the dot on the wall. Notice the details of the object you are using and focus on them.

Now as you are doing this, begin to notice your breathing. Breathe in through your nose as deeply and slowly as you can….but don’t make yourself uncomfortable.

Then hold the breath for a few seconds and exhale through your mouth.

Try to keep this relaxed breathing going throughout your meditation. Remember it takes time to get used to and it really is not a big deal if you begin breathing through your mouth again.

In and out ..breathe slowly as you focus on your object……

After a few minutes, you will notice that your eyes want to close….allow them to.

When your eyes close, begin focusing on the back of your eyelids. You will notice that random thoughts will enter your mind…Try not to think of them but just notice they are there and let them go.

Breathe deeply and just let go…..If thoughts come, just let them pass on by…….Soon you will begin to slow or completely stop your thinking process….You will feel very relaxed .. See how long you can go.

Now once you begin to notice thoughts once again, its time to bring yourself back to the present.

Keep breathing deeply, but begin to notice the back of your eyelids again. Become aware of your surroundings and slowly open your eyes…You should feel very refreshed and relaxed


Psychic Development 4 - Closing Down or read on for more meditations..

Power of the Sea Medi

Clear your mind, have no distractions around you.

Close your eyes and breathe deep:

Listen to the gentle waves

Calmness is within you

See how the sunlight glints and plays on the waves

Look far out to sea, as far as the horizon takes you

Feel the breeze, let it inside with a deep breath Feel the soft sand between your toes

Sit in the warm sand

Allow the oceans power inside - breathe deeply and slowly in time with the waves

See the white curl on the crest of the wave

You are breathing with the ocean

Feel its force and its gentleness as one

The waves rhythmic lull fill your senses

You are calmed and rested.

Springtime Meadow

With eyes closed and breathing deep and even:

Take yourself to a spring meadow

Look at all the colours around you, feel the greenery
You feel warm under the gentle spring sun

Hear the birds song

Smell the fresh grass, run your fingertips across the grasses

Catch the scent of wild flowers

Find a spot to lie in the long grasses and admire the sky

Relax, stretch out all your limbs

Breathe in with all of your senses

Let your spirit be infused with these elements

You feel content with the earth

You are peaceful and happy

Recharged with energy, you breathe in and out in long deep breaths

Feel the energy course through you

You are cleansed and ready to face the rest of your day.

Colours of the Chakra Medi:

To visualise your chakras, try to picture them as spinning balls of energy. Visualise each colour cleansing its chakra.

This is a great start for the day, boosting energies and motivating the spirit!

Root / Base Chakra:
Bright red

Sacral / Sexual Chakra:
Bright orange

Solar Plexus Chakra:
Sunny yellow

Heart Chakra:
Bright green or a bright pink

Throat Chakra:
Light blue

Third Eye Chakra:
Transparent indigo

Crown Chakra:
Violet or white

Coloured Candle Medi

Candle colours are the basic colours associated with the Chakras.
They can be used to enhance any meditation and bring well-being in the areas associated with their colour.

Choose a meditation and burn the candle of your chosen colour while focusing upon the properties associated with that colour.

For higher awareness, protection (from the material plane).
Used for Centring yourself because your not distracted by colour;
Used most often in Meditation for inner peace, Spirituality, and attaining a higher power.

Used to visualize greater intellect and will. Good when concentrating on
creative endeavours. Said to increase psychic awareness and clairvoyance.
When trying to expand your imagination, this is a good colour to
concentrate with.

Used when you are concentrating on finding prosperity, money, and attracting wealth to yourself.
Also used by some when they want to concentrate on getting married,
have a time of good fortune or getting pregnant.

Used when visualizing more Creativity in sex.
It is a stimulating colour and related to healing energies.
This is healing for sudden losses or changes.

Used to concentrate on health, self-expression, peace and tranquillity;
and greater understanding of those around you.

Used to stimulate extra-ordinary awareness (psychic powers);
Comfort that this has been a colour associated with Dignity, Spirituality,
and Success it's vibrancy attract people to it.

Electric in nature, the colour is said to increase intuition,
Meditation Ability, Spirituality, It is the colour of power.

For finding a pure, gentle, unconditional love and now.
Also used when concentrating on Spiritual Healing

For love, especially sexual in nature also used to concentrate on being a
woman, Emotions of Love, Romance, and a true shared Spiritual Awakening.


if making your own..
Colour with black added brings a darker shade and both the protection of black with the colour symbolism.

Colour with white added and brings with it both the colour symbolism and the white purity and protection from corruption.

An Angel Meditation

Let a stone, pebble, piece of gravel or crystal rest in your palm.
Make sure you will not be disturbed.
Whether you are inside or outside you may like to prepare the space in whatever way feels sacred to you..

If you are new to meditation then perhaps prepare the room with incense or oil burner fragrance, angelic music, flowers, crystals, an altar or clear the space with the sound of a tingsha or a singing bowl.. However you prepare your sacred space is fine and unique to you.
Light a candle .. then begin.

1. Sit quietly cross-legged or with your feet flat on the floor.
2. Visualise roots growing from the base of your spine or your feet, down into the earth, anchoring you to a black tourmaline sphere.
3. Imagine a pyramid of pure white light descending from the heavens and being placed round you or your meditation group.

A second pure white pyramid rises from the centre of Earth and joins the first one. You are in the very centre, totally protected by the light.
4. Visualise pure white light pouring down through your crown chakra from above. As you breathe in, bring the light down to your heart centre. On the out breath, let the light flow down from your heart, through your body, allow the light to travel through your limbs and relax the body completely. Take a moment to allow the light and breath to relax you, breathe in.. and out… in with the light… flowing from the heart as you breathe out.. you are now deeply relaxed.
5a. Bring Archangel Michael into your thoughts and allow a radiant blue light to come to you.
b. Ask him to place his energy around you, the energy of courage and strength.
c. Breathe in these qualities deeply and let them flow down through you, into your arms into your hands and into the stone in your palm and the very earth beneath you, feel the energy grow on every out breath.
d. Hold the vision of Michael standing over the Earth, cutting away all cords that attach humanity to lower energy.

6a. Visualise Archangel Gabriel and allow a shimmering white light to flow into and around you as he draws close.
b. Ask Gabriel to pour purification and aspiration into you. Again breathe in these qualities and let them flow down through your limbs into the stone you hold and the earth below you.
c. Hold the vision of Gabriel illuminating the world in white light.
7a. Think about Archangel Uriel, who dissolves fear and brings peace to humanity. Sense his ruby light flowing through you into the stone and the earth.
b. Breathe out all fear.
c. Visualise angels of peace enfolding you in their wings and relax deeply into their embrace, feel the feathers tickling your face, and the love and warmth of these angels.
d. Visualise angels of peace circling the entire world.
8a. Think about Archangel Raphael, who brings healing and abundance and opens the inner vision. Allow his emerald light to flow through you and inot the stone and the earth.
b. Ask him to open your mind to enlightenment.
c. Hold the vision of all the people of the world whole and healed, living in co-operation, harmony and abundance.
9. Focus on the stone in your palm. . Picture yourself holding this stone and others holding the same energy in places round the world.
10. Lift the stone to the top of your head and visualise a symbol of protection, such as a cross or ankh, being placed over your crown chakra.
11.As you bring it down hold it close to each of your chakras in turn, the brow, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and base, visualising the symbol of protection going into each one of them as you move through them.
12. Ask Archangel Michael to place a deep blue cloak of protection around you. Sense this happening. Then zip it from your feet to your chin and pull up the hood and let it cover your third eye/brow chakra.
13.Thank the angels for working with you.
14.Within the next few days take the stone and place it where it is most needed to bring peace and harmony. It may be anywhere, a hospital, or in a public place where many people will benefit from it.

Re: Psychic Development
Post # 4
Closing down after any spirit communication or unwelcome spirit attention is equally as important, if not more so, as opening up correctly.

If you don’t close down in the correct way, you will be vulnerable to psychic attack and negative energy as well as experiencing unwelcome psychic and spiritual communication and attention.

Some people get stuck in "transmit and receive" mode unawares, and are constantly baffled by the stream of what they see, hear and feel. It’s a bit like living in the middle of a city & leaving your front door wide open with a big sign saying "Come in" - someone will eventually come in & take advantage !!

Being psychically open at inappropriate times can make you feel like you have an untuned radio blaring static in your head – it is most unpleasant and prevents you from functioning on a day to day level and can leave you feeling ungrounded and unfocused.

If in doubt as to whether you may be open or not, do a closing visualisation anyway.

Closing Down Exercise

Please be respectful when directing any thoughts or words to Spirit, even if you are scared or you feel as if an unpleasant entity means you distress and deserves to be shouted at. All you are doing is the spiritual equivalent of poking an angry dog with a big stick! Be calm, respectful and polite, no matter what you feel.

1)Thank Spirit for all they have shown and imparted during your meditation/ sitting/ unintended experience.

2)Ask Spirit (politely and humbly) to withdraw their energies (never use foul language) and thank them for choosing to communicate.

3)Breathe deeply, focus, and visualise your third eye closing – reverse whatever visualisation exercise you did to open it.

If you did not open up intentionally, visualise a beautiful third eye on your central brow, and gently close it, padlocking the eyelids firmly shut and turning a key. Place the key in a box.

4)Imagine closing and bolting a secure door on your psychic mind and the visual scene in your head, drawing a heavy curtain across the door. Repeat the spiritual protection exercise .

See yourself, any loved ones present, and your home /place you are in, all sealed in the same white light you are sealed in. Visualise the light travelling to each corner, each door and window sealing in love and protective energies. Place an umbrella or dome of this same white light over the building you are in too.

You are now closed down.

If you go through the same exercises each time you open up and close down it will strengthen your ability to "switch on and off". Make it unique, and special to you, make it part of your everyday spiritual practice and routine. It is the best self defence you can give yourself.

Remember there are some inappropriate times and places for being "open" – be responsible about where and when. Learn where it feels appropriate, and equally as important, get an instinctive feel about when and where not to be open.

In the early days of your development especially, take extra care to protect yourself at all times.

Use these techniques every day and given practice you will be safe with the communication you receive. It takes time, so be patient and persevere!!

Good luck!

Re: Psychic Development
Post # 5
This is a wonderful post!! :) Thanks for putting it up! :D

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