question about souls

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Re: question about souls
Post # 12
This coming from one who can't place a single entire sentence in one post, eh? lol. Viper, I believe the amount of research I have done extends back to a time when you were still in diapers. No offense. Souls and spirits were the first two topics I found interesting in this life and so began research on them long before I could even make a psi-chi ball. My experiments began not long after the beginnings of my research and intensified as I learned new ways to experiment; meditation, manipulating energy, astral project, etc. Eventually even talking to the deceased myself and questioning them on how things work. Necromancy may be, above all else, my specialty and as such I would actually insist that people question my knowledge rather then tell them not to. After all, how else am I to teach?
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Re: question about souls
Post # 13
And now that I have a little more time to review your post, I'm going to do that.

"its not matter of stealing souls it would take a god-like being to do that"
No, I have yet to see a "god-like" being of any kind that had any more power over us then we give them. Just as with human governments, the top-dog only has as much power as the followers offer to him. Offer no power, he has no power. The only difference is with these "god-like" beings you control how much power it has over you, whereas with the government the top-dog relies on a majority of people rather then a single individual.

"but maybe he made some sort of deal with a small time entity like a demon or something."
Demons/angels are not "time" entities, they are beings of pure energy just like spirits. They, too, only have as much power as you give them and I can't think of any deals that would really involve your soul. That's like a small town superstition, I believe. I also believe we should try sticking to reality.

"because some feast on human souls to increase they're own power."
That sentence just made me laugh. Reread what I have said before. Didn't you say you did some research on this?
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Re: question about souls
By: / Adept
Post # 14
If Rag's comments don't make any sense, it's because the posting he was replying to got deleted due to obscene language. Sorry for the confusing read, but we gotta keep it clean, ya know.
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Re: question about souls
Post # 15
It's fine. Along with being clean, the thread should also be "smooth" in the sense that things should make sense. So I deleted my reply.
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Re: question about souls
Post # 16
I'm just tosaying keep an open mind because I am not going to waste my time on this bull. But please tell in as much detail you can about your beleif on souls.
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Re: question about souls
Post # 17
I believe I have already explained myself in Spirit Seers, Deep Arts, Dragon Magick, and Higher Magicks, for which I am on the council of each. In Guild of Mages for which I am Priest. And again in The Path of the Shaman for which I am a member, although a place on the council was offered.

Viper, I have kept an open mind, however I also try to keep a realistic mind. The soul is an object of pure energy. Demons, angels, and all of their kind are also made of pure energy, but their energy is a little different. They do not consume each other and even if they did they would not benefit from each other. When a living creature dies the soul leaves the body and goes to what is often called the Spirit World, or Spirit Plane, it is a place for spirits/souls and only for them. There they prepare for the next life, pick their spirit guides, review what they have learned, etc. Angels and demons exist to either help or hinder us according to which ones we come in contact with. At no time does our soul come across the threat of ceasing to exist. However, the soul may choose to rest in what we, as humans, call Heaven and that is their choice. Heaven would be what may be more properly referred to as the Source, where Native Americans would say the Great Spirit resides, the place where all souls/spirits originate.

I have also found that many people who claim to speak with angels or demons may actually end up speaking to their subconscious. As such, I no longer trust anyone who I think is most likely inexperienced and says that he/she has made contact with either. Furthermore, since most people can't see energy souls would not be visible to most people and so when claiming to have any soul that is not your's you could just hold out your hands and claim they are there. In other words, I don't believe you have any souls other then the single one you should have and judging by your own words and way of responding I also don't believe you have made contact with any demons. Although I do believe you may believe either/both of those claims to be true.
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Re: question about souls
Post # 18
Thanks for your input but i'm sorry i am going to have to do more research to believe can you please tell me what experiments you've done to find your results.
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Re: question about souls
Post # 19
Pretty basic ones. First with myself; meditation, astral projection, consulting with various spirits, confirmation from a pendulum, etc. Then with others; more meditation, more consulting with spirits, and more confirmation with a pendulum. Unfortunately my test subjects and partners were unable to astral project and so I had to drop my plans with that.
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Re: question about souls
Post # 20
I'll need think more about it. In a couple months or so i will have came out with a new theory
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Re: question about souls
Post # 21
hate to said it dude but he may have made a deal with a demon if he did he would have done it in a dream because that's how most demon or angal can talk to you in dreams I know this for a fact because a angal came to me one night and said when you wake you should see (P.S if I spelled that worng sorry) the next day I could see out my right eye DR. said that I could never see in it so that may be by not sure
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