Wellcome to the coven!

CovenDivine Spirits ► Wellcome to the coven!
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Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 88
Welcome to Divine Spirits Rarity I hope you enjoy being a part of the coven.

Love and Light

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 89
hi, my chosen name is Angelia.
i am 18 years old and have 3 years of experience, mostly in candle and pentactle magic.
i've felt a special connection with the Gods and Goddesses from a very young age. until i was about 10 i was able to see auras. yet even now, my eyes are constantly open, alowing me to see many things others cant.
also im really new, so if anyone could give me advice i'd really appreciate it :)

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 90
hail and welcome

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 91
Welcome Rarity and Angelia!
I hope you find what interests you and what brings you joy here =)
If you have any questions, please do ask away!
Blessed be!

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 92

$Hi, I am a little nervous so here it goes.
My name is special to me and
It has a sort of taboo on it
So gust call me star.

I have 13 years of experience in low magicks, such as straga, but look to my self as a Dark Neopagen
That's were I thrive.
I am a little reserved and don't really like talking to much. Silence is my bff. = )

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 93
Welcome to the coven star.

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 94
- Name: Knightess Sakura Yogan
- Age: 18 and will be 19 in March
- Experiance: 5 years
- Path of your craft: Christopagan and Gypsy Witch

More about myself:
I love to teach other about christopaganism and about being Eco-friendly

Blessed Be
~Knightess Sakura~

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 95
I'm Nicholas and I'm 12
Just go in to magick, but have been a psychic for a long time
haven't decided

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 96
Name: Matt Nightrow (Lord IMP!)
Age: 17
Experiance: 6 months but willing to learn as much as i can
Path of craft: so far taking away pain from wounds is all i've been able to master, but i i've tryed with elements and other stuff but the pain thing is the only thing i can do that always works

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 97
I am known to many as Sean, HP Draggy of TND, P Draggy of Deep Arts, and now HP Draggy of Divine Spirits offline Coven.

I am 29 years of age, my 30th is unfortunately coming fast in June. I'm a cusp baby being born on the 21st.

I have 19 solid years in studying and practicing my path, and 12 years teaching different areas of many traditions, but better known for Dragon Magick.

My path currently consists of Dragon Magick, Druid tradition, and Shamanism. Which is currently being built upon to encompass most Wiccan traditions.

Unlike what many have said in the past, as long as I have gummi worms and Mtn. Dew I can be friendly. :p

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