Offensive magick.

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Re: Offensive magick.
Post # 8
This is why it is good to be both mentaly and physicaly trained =)
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Re: Offensive magick.
Post # 9
Offensive = attack, aggressive, to cause pain/suffering, etc.

Defensive = defend, protect, to prevent pain/suffering, etc.

Many martial arts are defensive arts meant to protect you from offensive people such as street thugs and other criminals, so even things that may seem offensive and can be used offensively may be considered defensive according to your intent. What you have mentioned here, judging by the intent mentioned, is defensive and not offensive. If you were to teach people to strike first and/or without mercy that would be more offensive. Learning to shield, block, deflect, etc, anything that keeps you from being harmed is defensive even if it sends the attack back to your attacker causing his desired effect to occur upon himself.
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Re: Offensive magick.
Post # 10
yes well we all cant be people who self defend. other wise the world would be booring as looking into a stuffed moose head
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Re: Offensive magick.
Post # 11
Bledri: This is all really interesting... I always believed that black magic always came with a Karmic price tag. I do understand that you can protect yourself with certain spells, but doesn't the intent to harm cause the universe to create balance...?

I am wondering if offensive magic is speaking of the kind of spells you cast when you have been wronged. Like revenge and in the name of justice towards a wrong doing? I'm amazed that you can use these kinds of spells without the Karmic price. Could you elaborate?
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Re: Offensive magick.
Post # 12
PiratePixie: Why people can do bad things without karmic retribution; karma exists only because people believe it exists. Don't believe in it and you won't suffer from it.
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Re: Offensive magick.
Post # 13
I have a tough time discerning between offense and defense. We all know we are supposed to restrain to defense. But, offense, usually only occurs after some attack. Therefore, to me, there is a very think line betwixt offense and defense and believe it is somewhat the same.

Though, if you are planning an attack on elderly whom have never done anything wrong in their life. That offensive attack would be less than approved.
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Re: Offensive magick.
Post # 14
I'm not sure I can stop my conscience from knowing if I am wishing ill on someone that I myself am the one with some internal negativity that needs to be dealt with.

I would like to believe that if someone has done me wrong the universe will take care of the penance. But I do understand that if you don't fear Karma it can't touch you...

It's all very interesting...
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Re: Offensive magick.
Post # 15
For me there is two offensive magick. one i use as a deffense and the other i use to attack without care. in either case i say it is up to the user.
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Re: Offensive magick.
Post # 16
Pixie, there comes much debate, all magick has a price, whether or not we choose to see it or not. Dark magick should only be used only if you can handle it.
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Re: Offensive magick.
Post # 17
hi there my name is eosjos, you are teaching offensive or defensive, i have learned how to avoid physic vampires and mean uninvited spirits. i use terminated clear crystal necklace, sage for smudging and clearing out my house, and basil bath for protection, thought i'd share this with you- blessed be-eosjos
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