Astral projection

CovenFirst Path ► Astral projection
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Astral projection
Post # 1
how do i astral project and what is it like?

Re: Astral projection
Post # 2
Astral projection is a form of meditation that you achieve where your astral self(your inner or true self) is able to leave your physical body and move into the astral plane.
The astral plane is a place where fantasy meets reality and anything is possible .
If ypu practice meditation long enough astral projection will come to you

Re: Astral projection
Post # 3
aswell astral projection should not be taken lightly because it isnt something easy to learn, you must atleast some fo your time to learning it.

and astral projection is like feeling as if you are in a dream but you know it is reality. in fact dreams are a form of astral projection and there are 3 ways i know of to astral project.

1st-> you go to sleep and when you dream you try to take control of it and try to escape the dream without waking your body, at that point your astral projecting

2nd-> you relax your body on a counch or something of the sort (not a bed) and you relax your muscles and feel a tingle go from your legs and you lead it up untill he tingle (which is energy in a relaxed form(a.k.a relaxing you)) engulf your body and then you move your spiritual body out of you finger by finger, limb by limb, then you try and look at your body.

3rd-> you enter an advanced or deep state of meditation and you try to leave your body through your chakras (specifically the ones in your head and upper chest) without disturbing your body.

astral projection is like nothing you can ever experience on earth and on this physical plane, its unreal and awsome:D

Re: Astral projection
Post # 4
thx for your responces all helpful :)

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