Preparing to cast a spell

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Preparing to cast a spell
Post # 1
When we first begin, casting a spell is more than just sitting down and doing it. While some people can, it's best to boost your confidence with tools and ritual type activities until you get better and are more advanced in the matter.

To begin, the spell needs a purpose. What is it you are trying to obtain?

**Meditate first. This will calm you down, and possibly you may come to find through clarity, that a spell is not needed at all.

If you find it still is, you are now in a calmer state of mind instead of running high with mixed emotions.

**Gather the tools you want to use.
Grab a wand/staff. Gather the appropriate herbs, candles, waters, oils. Gather offerings if you plan to offer them to your god/dess.

** Select a space.
This space you select is now a sacred area. It needs to be treated as such. Remove anything that doesn't have to do with the spell itself. If you have an alter, make sure you can cast your circle with it in there.
If you do not have room to move everything out of your way, don't fret. Knowing that it is special can be enough.

** Write your spell.
The words you write are comming from your heart and soul. Make sure you know what you want and leave little room for interpretation.

** Cast your circle.
This is important to get you used to protecting yourself and keeping all icky's out of your space.

** Use your tools.
This should come naturally. There is no right way to do it. Perhaps you want to light your candle and spread your herbs around it, maybe you want to burn the herbs. Maybe you just want to leave everything as is. This is up to you.

** Focus your energy.
Your energy and will is what makes this spell work. Gather your inner energy. Gather it from your tools if you want to. Feel it within you. Give it a purpose.

** Say your spell.
When saying your spell, visualize your energy and give it it's purpose. It must do as you will it to do. Say it as many times as you feel you need to. There's no need to memorize it. Read it, believe it, make it happen. Push your energy out of your body sending it off to do it's job.

** close the spell.
Roll the paper to or away from you depending if you are bringing in or sending away. Clap out the candle when done, or leave it if using the candle as a spell itself.
Take anything burnt and cast it to the wind, or bury it in the earth while still thinking of the achievment you are trying for.

** Clear your space.
Clean up your space and purify it. Use water, salt, simple words.

** Ground yourself
This is when we get rid of the excess energy we have built up.

Any questions, let me know.

Re: Preparing to cast a spell
Post # 2
We definately needed this post :)

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