Chakras 101- Intro

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Chakras 101- Intro
Post # 1
Back when I was a Black Twilight council member, I started a series of lessons about the chakras. It was supposed to be a weekly series but then the level of suck in my personal life reached critical mass and I never finished.

The originals are in Black Twilight's Spellbook as well as on my hard drive. (And I don't think Black Twilight will mind if I share these, I mean, I DID write them):


When you first start learning about magic, one of the first things a lot of teachers will tell you is to “Get to work on getting in tune with your chakras”. If you're a complete beginner and you've never had any experience with any path other than Christianity, I imagine that you're going to be wondering what a chakra is. If, as a beginner, you did have some experience with Hinduism, Buddhism, Witchcraft and/or the New Age movement, you might be thinking “Great. So I know I have these chakras, but how I get in tune with them, and how do I keep them that way?”

This guide will teach you what a chakra is, where they are, what they do, and how to keep them in balance.

While this guide is geared for the complete beginner, I hope that there will be useful information for everyone here.

Let's begin.

*Intro to Chakras*

A chakra, in the simplest terms, is an energy center in the body. There are seven major chakras and many more minor ones. For the sake of simplicity, this guide will focus mostly on the seven major chakras. Interestingly enough, the seven major chakras (with one exception) all are said to be located in the same places as a major gland in the body.

These major chakras are as follows:

Root/Muladhara: Located at the very base of the spine, between the genitals and anus. This chakra is related to your survival instincts and security. This chakra is thought to correlate to the adrenal glands, that is, the glands that control your fight or flight instinct, although those glands are not located in this region of the body. This is the only chakra that is not in roughly the same location as the glands it corresponds to.

Sacral/Swadhistana: This chakra is located in the sacrum. The sacrum is the bone that is in the center of hipbones. This is where reproductive organs are located, and the sacral chakra corresponds to the testes in men and the ovaries in women. This chakra is related to sexuality , base emotion, and creativity.

Solar Plexus/Manipura: This chakra is located just above your navel. It corresponds to the pancreas. This chakra deals with more complex emotions, digestion, and energy.

These three chakras are commonly referred to as the lower-vibrating chakras, as these all deal with physical matters such as sex and survival. The next four chakras are the higher vibrating chakras, the ones that deal with nonphysical, spiritual matters. It is no coincidence that the lower-vibrating chakras are lower in the body than the higher-vibrating ones

Heart/Anahata: This chakra is located at the center of your chest. The gland it corresponds to is the thymus, which produces T cells that fight off disease. This chakra deals with love and compassion.

Throat/Vishudda: This chakra is located at the base of your throat. It corresponds to the thyroid gland, the gland responsible for growth and maturation. The throat chakra deals with communication and growth as a form of expression.

Third Eye/Ajna: This chakra, arguably the most well-known of them all, is located at the center of your forehead and corresponds to the pineal gland. The pineal gland is the gland that regulates our sleep and awakening by producing melatonin. The third eye chakra is related to awareness, ESP, light, and time. (Note that having an open third eye does not mean you'll suddenly get magic time altering powers!)

Crown/Sahasrara: The crown chakra is located at the very top (crown) of your head. This is the chakra of spiritual awakening and of conscioussness. It is said to correspond to the pituitary gland and the thalamus. These glands communicate with the rest of the endocrine system and also connect to the central nervous system. It is thought that the thalamus has a key role in the physical basis of consciousness.

Each of these chakras corresponds to a color. It helps to learn which color corresponds to which chakra, as it makes it easier to visualize them. We'll dicuss chakra visualization in a later lesson.

These are the colors:

Root: Red

Sacral: Orange

Solar Plexus: Yellow

Heart: Green (sometimes pink)

Throat: Blue

Third Eye: Indigo

Crown: Violet (sometimes white or gold)

*Open and Shut*

Sometimes, you'll be told that your chakras are closed off. You may be wondering about what this means. I'll try to explain.

Chakras are always spinning. A healthy, open, chakra is spinning quickly in the clockwise direction.

A closed, blocked, possibly damaged chakra will spin very slowly, in the counter-clockwise direction.

It is important to try to keep your chakras open and balanced. If a chakra is closed off, an imbalance will occur. But if a chakra is too open, another, different, imbalance will occur.

We'll talk more about chakra imbalances in a later lesson. First, you need to start getting in tune with your chakras. Every week, we're going to spend some time with one of the major chakras. You'll learn how to work with it, how to open it, and what the symptoms of an imbalance are.


See y'all next week!

Re: Chakras 101- Intro
Post # 2
Thanks for this Ning, it's much appreciated.

Re: Chakras 101- Intro
Post # 3
I`m always a beginner in magick..but that doesn`t matter.
Its great you posted Chakras and explained chakras with its location,purpose,type and colours. :D

Re: Chakras 101- Intro
Post # 4
You're all welcome. :D

Re: Chakras 101- Intro
Post # 5
I'm sure this will be helpful to many.

Re: Chakras 101- Intro
Post # 6
youtube vid time ^_^ I hate the title of this but it's great for helping you open your third eye

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