The Elements

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The Elements
Post # 1
Ive had several questions as of late about Elements.
Below Ive listed a good description of each.
Ive included Quintessence because it is the purest form of energy,and as Im learning a key to having balance in the others.
The people of the ancient world considered the universe to be made from the four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and
Fire, or solid, liquid, gas, as we now refer to the basic states of matter, along with pure energy.
These are the elements that you will be manipulating in performing magick.

These elements also had physiological meanings that were evident as personal temperaments. In the Magical Personality system, an individual is considered to demonstrate aspects of all four elements. We all have some degree of sensitivity, emotion, intellect, and drive, but for everyone the mix is different, resulting in numerous personality types.

Birth elements while popular now,dont always mean that element is going to be the one that best describes you or that you are best working with.
It simply meens there is a predisposition for you to work with that element.
For Instance ,while my birth Element is Water,and I do love water,I work with fire easier and more naturally


We are embodied and thus part of the physical world. Inevitably, then, we have a relationship with the physical world and demonstrate “Earthy” traits of sensuousness, caution, practicality, pragmatism, precision, and discipline, as well as stubbornness, dogmatism, inflexibility, intolerance, compulsivity, and depression. Earth types often believe that they are their physical bodies; consequently, they have an underlying fear of physical death.


We are composed almost entirely of water and can live only a few days without it. The surface of the planet is two-thirds water. Life began in the primeval ocean and we develop in the watery womb. Inevitably we have a relationship with water and demonstrate “Watery” traits of emotionalism, empathy, kindness, sympathy, love, gentleness, sociability, nurturing, and intuition, as well as moodiness, capriciousness, possessiveness, neediness, sentimentality, and irrationality. Water types often believe that they are their feelings; hence, they exhibit a nebulous sense of self and fear solitude.


Without air, we would die within minutes. Our relationship with this element is therefore intense and beset by uncertainty. We all exhibit “Airy” traits of rationalism, logic, intellect, analysis, judgement, curiosity, openness, ethics, fairness, and humanitarianism, as well as superiority, coldness, distance, abstraction, emotional illiteracy, naiveté, and prejudice. Air types often believe that they are their minds, and they cling to theories that make sense of both themselves and the world.


Fire refers to the life force, the spiritual energy that animates us, and the motivation without which we would be inactive and die. We all exhibit “Firey” traits of urgency, drive, passion, enthusiasm, ambition, intensity, creativity, optimism, and progressiveness, as well as egocentricity, selfishness, recklessness, impulsiveness, ruthlessness, aggression, and insensitivity. Fire types often believe that they are their achievements, and so they strive desperately to succeed and constantly monitor their progress as evidence of their worth.


This is the pure element from which the traditional four were derived. The four are unstable and antagonistic, so the more balanced they are, the more balanced the personality, and the less prone the individual is to psychological disturbance. The Magical Personality is designed to reveal the relative strength of each element and offers ways to develop the weaker aspects of the personality.

The definitions of the elements are from Llewellyn Worldwide Pub.Ltd

Re: The Elements
Post # 2
also if nodrk doesnt mind as to afinnities to an element...each go to a number of zodiac signs and can vary depending on birth sign listed below are the general affinities to each element.

Earth-->Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air-->Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Fire-->Aries, Leo, Sagittarus
Water--> Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

And also as Nodrk said even if one is your birth element as said up here it does not mean it is true because even if it is you could still be pulled to a different element in a stronger way.
For example, i am an aries. So that would mean that my affinity is fire? nope. I work well with fire and i am a pyro but, the wind calls to me the strongest and i can bend wind the most.

So for everyone it is different, which is why knowing your birth affinity is good because you can branch out and see which you can control based on your affinity.

just my two cents worth =D

Re: The Elements
Post # 3
My element is fire....which explains why im such a pyromaniac

Re: The Elements
Post # 4
earth all the way

Re: The Elements
Post # 5
also one more thing on this, we have the abilities to control them all and ad Nodrk said we are called to demonstrate a bit of each. so although it may be your affinity never allow it to control your personality

peace brotha's and sista's

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