
CovenFirst Path ► Intro's
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Re: Intro
Post # 21
Hi, I'm 14 years old and I just started magic about a week or so ago. I love the moon and have always and I have no idea why. I love poetry. I want to learn how to astral project and learn a really good luck spell because I have terrible luck. I have tried a few spells and i don't know if they worked.

Re: Intro
Post # 22
Hello there, my name is Aurelia (although this is not my true name, and for obvious reasons). I am currently eighteen years old and live in North America. I've traveled many places and my eyes have been opened to the various spiritual traditions and beliefs in this world. I wish to explore the fact within the fiction and discover whatever is hidden :)

Re: Intro
Post # 23
Hiya ^_^

I am Shandira... I am 25 years of age and have been practicing since I was 16 years old... I have always known that there is something bigger than us all but now that I am older, things make more sense.

I am able to help on ANY matters concerning channelling or its counterparts... Automatic writing and automatic speaking... I am able to help with advice if you need also ^_^

I am open to any questions you may have about me... Please mail me on any topic you might need help with.... I will be honest and open with you ^_^

All the best peoples ^_^

Re: Intro
Post # 24
Hello the name is Polki or Polk

I am 17 years old - man im old

I have been doing Magick for going on 6 years however performing spells and incantations then i have only been doing them for 3 years.

My true strength lies within energy manipulation meaning psionics and direct Magick workings this i have been studying for 4 years and practicing for 3

If you want to learn anything else about me then just ask. Chances are you will never get an answer but nothing wrong with asking

Re: Intro
Post # 25
hey there ^_-

I am dyriaz, well dyrian :p priest of higher magicks :P I am 15, and have been doing magick since i was 8 :p

i got into magick (admittedly) through hollywood effects, but when i read some books i started to lose my ignorance and started developing my own paradigms, ^_^

i am here to help and learn off of nodrk and guy do not know how lucky you are =)

my coven is in need of help but Baron la croix is doing a great job, priestess tankgrrl is the temporary priestess of higher magicks now because xenea is apparantly too busy to attend events and log on in a while because of exams.

i hope i can help =), i honestly am a bit nervous as to wether i might screw up, =/ its really awkward entering a coven because you feel like you're intruding into anothers family =P almost as though you were adopted LOL,

well i hope i can help you guys and will try my best to contribute as much as possible, and thanks to priestess healer and priest nodrk for allowing me join this coven and helping me i my time of need^_^


Re: Intro
Post # 26
Hi im windstorm

I've been practicing on and off for about a year and i think i'm what u would call a natural witch.

what started me liking magic was the harry potter books and that was when i was eight.

the reason i call myself windstorm is because when i was 9 i got it into my mind to wish for a tornado(not to hurt anybody i just thought they were cool) and one came and threw my neighbors house into the woods.

when i was 13 i found i had the ability to make the rain stop, but for some reason i haven't been able to do it since i've started practicing seriously.

well im glad to be a part of this group, maybe i will learn a few things and its nice to meet everybody

(bows to the HPS and HP)

Blessed be

Re: Intro
Post # 27
Hi everyone, I am 31 and as far as being in the formal practice of magick I am new.
I do not know excatly were my strengths or what I can do.
What I do know is that since I was like 13 I have read and gained knowledge about the Arthurian Legends, Wicca, and Astrology.
Currently for the past year and a half I have done readings for others. I started with Tarot and moved to Angel readings and Fairy readings. I have studied Auras, Chakras, and Crystals.
I have done crystal healings and I am currently studying to get my degree in Astrology/parapsychology.
I have also been told by my close friends who I allow to know this side of me, is that the say I have a gift. Now what that is I dont know. I also know that my boyfriend has told me that it is a little scarey how I just know things with out truely knowing, and I have had my best friend tell me that it is strange how i can just tell what she is feeling without her calling me or telling.
So I hope that being here can help me identify what my "gift" is and how to develope it and other areas so that I can control them instead of them controling me. Plus if I happen to find friends of like mind along the way I will find that as a bonus.

Re: Intro
Post # 28
hi..... i am 19...... well i am ne to this magick world...... i have started practising meditation just a few months ago....... i can create psi ball but cant see them...... i still dont know weather spells really work or not....... pls help me to belive that it really works,........

Re: Intro
Post # 29
To work you must believe in them yourself. No one can give you that confidence but you, and without it...they wont work at all.

Re: Intro
Post # 30
I've kinda been putting off writing a bio until I have something interesting to put, but I suppose I'll just get it over with.

I’ve been practicing magick since October of ‘08. So not very long. It’s helped me with a lot of things so far, but I still have much to learn.

When I was 9, my cousins and their mother were having some financial troubles, they came down to my grandmother’s to live their for a while and that’s when I discovered magick. You see, my cousin Joey is also a witch. At the time I was little, and didn’t know what to do with it. But I believe that in the last year events in my life had lead up to my eventual occult studies. There were a lot of dreams, encounters with different books, and television shows that I’d spot in on the tv guide. Eventually, in October I decided to google the word magic. I ended up at a site called and eventually learned about psionics.

At the time, I didn’t really believe much in magick, however psionics was a different subject entirely. I learned all I could from, and I eventually got 3 months into energy manipulation when I decided to investiage magick further.

I asked all the noobie questions like, “How do I become a witch?” and “Why did my transform into a cat spell not work?” until after a few months I had a generally good grasp on the concept of what magick is.

Lately I have been studing Wicca as a religion. I have developed a fairly decent bullshit detector, and have been questioning things, practicing meditations, and learning tons of new things everyday. Honestly, it’s hard to imagine my life without paganism now. I certainly don’t rely on spells or anything (I usually only do rituals and blessings anyways), but just knowing what I know, it’s hard to see myself not knowing it.

I’m not exactly what you’d call a very athletic person, however I do enjoy one sport that I’m decently average at. Volleyball. That is so far the only sport I’ve been able to enjoy, and do well. However I do plan on joining Hap Ki Do in the fall.

I’m not goth, I don’t worship satan. However I do love Gothic Victorian clothing, and architecture. As far as music, my favourite bands are Mindless Self Indulgence, Avenged Sevenfold, Rob Zombie, Moonspell, Linkin Park, Paramore, Coldplay, Montley Crew, etc.

As far as anything else I can think of, I practice Reiki. Tho I don’t like being called a reiki master as I believe I haven’t been doing it long enough to be considered one, I am attuned to that level, and I am also studying tarot! My Rider Waite deck has been quite helpful to me so far, tho I’m fairly new to it D;.

Lastly, I Am A Procrastinator! No matter what it is I end up putting it off Dx. From doing the dishes, to reading some magick essay I always end up putting it off :(.

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