help with relgion

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help with relgion
Post # 1
it's so stupid i'm in a catholic school i felt go's precnese the hoyl sprit i was so happy i was jumoping up in down my freidn siad that i was suppsoe to hate gays and that 75% of peopel will go to hell and that satan is real nad that he has dmeons to tlak to us! i'm frekaing sick of it! it just wants me not to have a religon i don't knwo anymroe i want to fele whoel but i saw all these documentries that heaven and hell and puagtory are all real i supprot gays and i'm a witch! but is satan talkign to me? please help.
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 2
firstly when typing a serious post, try checking your spelling. otherwise people wont take you seriously. i could tell you that god and the devil are real. but they are actually both good guys. in fact they are both wonderfull guys... just misunderstood. hell isnt a bad place... if you are an opn minded person you find that the devil actually takes bad people once they have passed and "clean" them up to be ready for heaven... christianity is the only religion that depicts hell as eternal and horrifying. every other religion shows that hell is there to clense souls and send them on their journey... so regardless of if heaven and hell are real... regardless if the devil and god are real... if you just read up a bit of other religious concepts and keep an open mind. then you find that life is precious (even to the gods and the devil) and that no one is conspiring no one is coming after you no one is bent on destroying your soul... life is just life, believe what makes you happy. if you dont put energy and faith into something. it has no presence in your life.
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 3
First off, the majority of catholics do not hate gays, and that's coming from someone who does have catholics in their family.
It's only the minority that do, or take their religion far too seriously.
At the end of the day, we're all humans no matter what our sexuality is so it shouldn't matter.
Secondly, don't listen to what your friend has to say, or if they're forcing his/her beliefs on you.
You have a mind of your own, use it to form your own opinions on stuff, try not to let anyone's beliefs influence you.
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 4
thnak you so much and thanks balance :) you made my day !
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 5
I say, and i don't want to put any body elses posts down or anything, but, religion is not something to be forced on you. You support gays and your a witch, but if you believe in god and satan, than do so! There is no certainty to justify you to one religion, so you can have multiple ones, no matter what others think about it. That is what religion is, is faith, so whatever you believe in, no other beliefs you have should cancel out another.
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 6
I agree.Your faith or religion should be somthing that flows naturally through you.If you choose to be a Catholic or any other Christian Denomination ,please keep in mind that as far as I can see(and this is just my opinion)Mainstream Christianity has forgotten that Jesus only hated what he saw as sin...he never hated a sinner.Theres a big difference there.If you choose to support Gays ,or anything else thats contraversial in the Religious circles..There are going to be those that label you a Heritic.In the end it is you and you alone that must answer for the decisions you make,or dont make.If your going to answer for them anyway,at least make sure there really yours and not some that were forced on you....just my 2 cnts
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 7
that's ture thank you i'll keep that in mind
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 8
wow, I'm glad you asked that question sims2linkkh...I've had the same one, so now I feel better about religion. Its like every single one is saying that the other one is horrible it just sucks. There are sinners, but at heart, all of us aren't evil! People sometimes do stupid stuff and some things can't be helped...but where I come from the backlash is so horrible I have to keep it a secret...they think I'm gonna put demons in them.
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 9
Read the Satanic Bible. Its a good read for $8. Just keep in mind that they are not rules nor do you have to worship "Satan", Its more like a life style. I know that you will enjoy it. Mail me if you have any questions.
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 10
Don't just read the materials.
U must accept ur religion in your own way.
It's not an easy thing to do but when u succeed u'll feel better.
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