It is Time to Say

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It is Time to Say
Post # 1
A friend sent this to me. I wanted to pass it on.


NO! & YES!

I speak to all who cower under the illusion that we are ‘helpless victims’ and have no choice but to remain that way, victims of abuse, torture, poverty, intimidation, or lack of self worth.

We have allowed this to happen by placing ourselves at the bottom of the pile. We have also abused ourselves by under valuing who we ‘really’ are.

We are ALL EQUAL no matter what religion or movement we belong to. It does not matter what colour our skin is. It also does not matter which God, Goddess or other entity we worship.

Even if you have no religion, who told you that, you were worth less than a King or Queen?

Each and every one of us was born with an equal right to exist. Old, young, beautiful, disfigured, athletic, disabled, black, white, primitive native, academic, politician, film star, beggar, priest, agnostic, rich, poor, mental patient or physician.

The innocent children, abused and killed by sick and cowardly individuals, or those massacred by cruel regimes, animals hunted to extinction, forests burned to the ground, fish who swim in the polluted waters, are the only real victims.

Not only victims of the abusers, but also to blame, are those who stand and watch and do nothing! Then make excuses that they were powerless to help or by passing the buck claiming that someone else was responsible.

They could have said “NO!”

We can all say, “NO!”

It is time for us all to take responsibility and realise the real power that lies within each and every one of us.

It is time to say, “YES!”

It is time to say, “YES, I will move away from my abusive partner for I am worthy and a child of The Universe.”

It is time to say, “YES, I will give some of the little money I have to those in greater need.”

It is time to say, “YES, I realise that I can do something to change the way things are!”

It is time to say, “YES, I will leave this job where I am being bullied and even if I cannot find a new one straight away I will be free to grow strong.”

It is time to say, “YES, I was abused, my childhood was full of sorrow and pain, but that is in the past.”

It is time say to that child, “That was me, I remember the pain but come with me, I will take you by the hand, and I will show you who you will become.”

It is time to say, “YES, Fear I can see you, and I look you in the face. I have felt your power and allowed you to dominate me for so long but I am no longer at your mercy for I have moved away and I say, YES, to freedom!”

It is time to say,” YES, I am a beautiful child of the Universe. I am no more, no less, than any other human being.”

There are many changes going on in the World right now because people are now realising that they can say, “NO,” to the cruelty and abuse of power that has reigned over us for so long and “YES,” to the power that connects us all as one, The Power of LOVE.

I do not wish to sound corny, new agey or pious but wish from my heart to gently awaken the strength and real purpose that lies within each and every one of us.

Some people who are striving to create a better World call themselves, Light Workers, Warriors of the Rainbow, and many other movements working for a better World. Some are mediums channelling messages from Angels or other Light Beings.

It does not matter what you call yourself as long as you now begin to say “YES,” to the beautiful soul you are. Walk away from Fear for it cannot hold you.

Become aware of your own heart for it is connected to all other beings on this planet and beyond. Your Earthly Body is made up of many molecules and so it is with this World. We are ONE BODY made up of many and that body is part of another body and that body, and so on.

Instead of fear or anger fill your heart with love and send healing thoughts to the whole of humanity. Loving and healing thoughts are pure energy and they will never go to waste but feed the fountain from which we all drink.

We have been allowing the World to be run by frightened, sick, and greedy bullies.

It is time to say “NO,” to the sickness and walk away from the weapon they have used which is called fear. This fear has caused the sickness and we have allowed it to happen by being afraid. We can heal this body as we heal our own by realising the pure LOVE in our own hearts and the strength we possess.

It is time to say,

“Today I have awoken from a long sleep. Today I realise my power. Today with every in breath, I receive Love, and, today I send Love to that beautiful fountain from which we may all drink. “

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Re: It is Time to Say
Post # 2
Thank you Lady Tessa this is a wonderful point I appreciate this greatly
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Re: It is Time to Say
Post # 3
This serves as a motivation for my next school year Thanks!
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Re: It is Time to Say
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Very nice..Thank You for posting that. I totally agree wth is about time that we heal and send the love that each of us do have to others so maybe just maybe we can all feel the love and finally be free.
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Re: It is Time to Say
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5
thanks lady tessa that was just the pick me up i was looking for well said and blessed be xx
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