Where can you buy ....?

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Where can you buy ....?
Post # 1
Where can you buy tarrot cards? I've been looking everywhere for them.
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Re: Where can you buy ....?
Post # 2
-ebay takes paypal
-so does Barnes and Noble
-any book store will bring your deck of choice in
- occult stores www.witchvox.com
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Re: Where can you buy ....?
Post # 3

i believe they have some.

i know Borders Book store does *that's where i got mine*
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Re: Where can you buy ....?
Post # 4
I have a few decks that i got at garage sales however i dont use them. If you follow some of the tarot superstition, some readers say that you should never let anyone else touch your cards. So, i find using other peoples decks weird, but good to collect. If you want a deck of your own to use i would recommend finding a new age store. If you google new age and your city name, it should pull up something. If you can find a reader in your city, you can also ask them since some of the new age stores are more private. It is always nice finding a less popular place!
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Re: Where can you buy ....?
Post # 5
i agree and thats why no one other them me has ever touched my cards, and i payed an extra 10 dollars to have my cards in mint unopened condition from ebay^^
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Re: Where can you buy ....?
Post # 6
Barns and Nobles
your local occult book store
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Re: Where can you buy ...
Post # 7
and look up "half price book" stores. they have tarot behind the counter usually.and at half price! except for the things Like "Baseball tarot".which I have seen on the shelves here.
I snagged Both Bucklands complete book of witchcraft and his spirit communication book. for exactly 8.08!
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Re: Where can you buy ....?
Post # 8
barnes and noble also walden books , or online at amazon.com there is a lot of online occult stores you could oredr from
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Re: Where can you buy ....?
Post # 9
Most good occult stores have them, either online or offline.
I bought my deck a couple of years ago from a local occult shop.
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