What;s actually wrong

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Re: What;s actually wrong
Post # 9
On the contrary masterme, there is a lot that can be done just as members and moderators, and trying to say it's not our fault is just lying.
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Re: What;s actually wrong
Post # 10
I agree DG – but I’m trying to look at something higher here. The moderators apparently don’t have an image of authority here, or deserve respect, because they sure don’t get any from some members here. That is a future establishment which would be beneficial. The site owner appoints moderators for a reason – they aren’t able to be around all the time.
What I’m trying to say is there should be some individual identification for the authority bearers around here – a visual clue perhaps? This works, a lot.

If you don’t have authority you have a junkyard. I don’t think some members can identify the authorities around here and because of that, they think there is none. This all is what I mean by [too much] easy-tolerance also, which isn’t really the moderators fault, they could bear easier if they had some more abilities and so will the community in turn. It is actually like a pyramid. Imagine would it would be like, now, without moderators. I hope you see this site has come, and where it would go, I just think more could happen.

I agree with your points – I’m just adding some extra notes, about authority and where it can take a group of people, and a community. I do, and probably others also, can see this is going “downhill”, though. This community doesn’t appeal to me like it did in the past, and I’m sure to many other members too, let’s fix that, or can we? We just need more “tools” and I’m sure we can.

I acknowledge that we’ve ruined this site, but its fine and ready to grow, or before it goes down, or which one is it at now? You’re points are valid, I’m adding some solution.
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Re: What;s actually wrong
Post # 11
Well done! All well thought-out points
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Re: What;s actually wrong
Post # 12
Bump because obviously people need to see this. I've been getting more accusations than ever of being someone who I'm not, since I spoke up.

But if this is how it has to be then it's ok. I'll take my beatings for speaking out. I don't need that human right to free speech. I'll gladly be threatened and accused for taking my stance.

I'm Kelly Niesh. I'm 17 years old and I live in the US. I'm not Heather C, Nor Mae Mae, nor Auorora, nor anyone else but myself, in fact most of those things, I don't know who or what they are. I'm just Kelly Niesh.
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Re: What;s actually wrong
Post # 13
Hi there. Took me a while to read your post but you have bought up some very good points DeathGoddess. There are an awful lot of posts on the war and it would be great to take it down to just the one where, hopefully, people will talk sensbily about the issue as it does seem to be very popular.

Blessed be LadyO
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Re: What;s actually wrong
Post # 14
1. i'm surprised i actually read it all
2.*claps hands* very well put fg
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Re: What;s actually wrong
Post # 15
I have a solution:

Everybody delete their own posts which they think may have offended someone, caused arguments, etc. Clean up your OWN mess, which you think caused problems, or will cause problems. If it has something about magick and you truly feel it will help this forum but have caused arguments, leave it then. If every does this, the forum will be clean, if everybody does this in an honest manner

Then after this has been done, nobody should come on the forum for one full day, go outside and ease whatever tensions and whatever, go have fun but don’t come here. Let the forum rest its soul for one day whiles it is pure and clean

Come back and keep the forum clean, post about magick, don’t spam, don’t post provocative posts, don’t go down that path again and keep it that way. This will ONLY work if everybody does it in an honest fashion. I do doubt we’ll all agree on this though.
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Re: What;s actually wrong
Post # 16
Masterme, unfortunately, you can only view a few of your past posts on here that I know of, and also, many people simply wouldn't agree to this.

In any case, I'm very confused. Who's Auorora Novalis? Does anyone know?
Apparently because I'm Healerraven's cousin I'm her.
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Re: What;s actually wrong
Post # 17
too long. didn't read.


Makes sense...I Just don't think the people who post about the things listed above are going to read this...and if they do, there isn't much less than a binding that will get them to stop. lol
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Re: What;s actually wrong
Post # 18
I agree.

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