Time Travel

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Re: Time Travel
Post # 8
If I knew how to time travel, the time I would go to is the time I first masterbated, oh that was good.
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Re: Time Travel
Post # 9
The Theory of Relativity only negates paradoxes not time travel and thanks to todays scientist humanity nows several ways to manipulate time but they are VERY strange and hard to understand:
si first of all time is a dimension a dimension in with it may be possible to time travel just like traveling across the city. in your dimension (3D) u need to now position but of course u need time to get somewhere u need 4 kinds of information 3 of space and 1 of time
im will try to explain this to u as best as i can
assert that there is a world with only 2 dimensions like a piece of paper and that there are being that can only live in that 2 dimensional world they could see length and width but they could not see the 3 dimension height like a paper clip now if i would introduce to them that pare clip to them it would appear as if the object came out of nowhere and if i pull the object back out to them it will appear to vanish. and if we humans would see a 4 dimensional creature i would appear strange and confusing to us. like the paper clip the time traveler would vanish to reappear in another time and this is not everything if u would pull that piece of paper over and push the single paper clip through those 2 dimensional people would see that one object in 2 places thats why time travel would allow someone to be in 2 places at one time

well all of u should now that time flows at different rates in different places there are places where time slows down for this reason it is possible to travel in to the future for us humans but not in too the past

let me tell u something about light. light is very very fast Einstein new that the key of time travel is light and the speed of light is the same for everyone no mater how fast u are moving.
this is the famous theory of relativity time is flexible and the rate of it depends on how fast u are going.

but to travel back to the past is mostly impossible lets say i travel back to the past to kill my dad this means i dont get born so the question is if i dint get born who killed my father? id didnt happen but it did happen this is called a paradox
if u think about it in the world we live in u cant change the past because we now it didnt happen
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Re: Time Travel
Post # 10
Yes time travel is possible.
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Re: Time Travel
Post # 11
see Manhattan project with Einstein and Nikola Tessla. They created a time machine, and because Einstein found out what the military (army) wanted to do with it, destroyed it...and the blueprints (only a small portion remains...but it's in a secret location)
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Re: Time Travel
Post # 12
I want to setup a mission to find it :-)
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Re: Time Travel
Post # 13
not sure how, and the what would you do thing has me in stitches
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Re: Time Travel
Post # 14
I don't think so.
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Re: Time Travel
Post # 15
Excuse me please dont spread the info about chronokinesis it is very dangerous.. They said a little mistake would cause you to be trapped between 2 dimensions and would suffer forever because of immortality please if someone knows the process dont share it.. I know there would be lots of people curious bout it and try it
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Re: Time Travel
Post # 16
Lonely Immortality in your own world is living hell, I'll rather do it another way :D no heaven or hell, no more family, wow no way!
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Re: Time Travel
Post # 17
i'd do it just for the no more family
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