Fantasy land

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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 61
Hi Maeglin and all, just like to say there seems to be a lot of people on this site who are 12 so that sorta answers one of your queries!! I think you have to sift through some of the posts with tongue in cheek some things ive read ive just had to burst out laughin yet there is also some wise and seriously magickally minded folk on here. Maybe to put things in a balanced way any site but possibly more so on a site of this type, is going to attract allsorts of very different people, from the unbalanced to the sheer genius and all the rest of us inbetween so we have to live and let live, my only concern would be the age limit of members on here personally and its not a judgement but i feel at 12 to 16 you are so much more easily influenced and open to suggestion as you havent yet developed your own true identity and will so some posts could be not suitable for this age group, The mermaid thing sort of took me by surprise im sure there are a lot of 12 year olds who are convinced they could be one but at 40 i sort of know it aint happenin! Same goes for werewolves and such like. Anyhow just my thoughts, Blessings to all, Ruby
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 62
well well nice on the age thing and you are entitle to your opinion but that is not what i believe. i believe what i want to believe i dont care about the rest of ya'll....
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 63
Hi cotokoto, yes you have the right to believe what you do an i respect that.
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 64
and i respect yours aswell but you dont control me mussiere.
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 65
As it has been said, every thing is made up of energy.

We just give it a name, face, and qualities so we can relate to it. God was made in the image of man so we can become more familiar with it. What ever maybe on the astral plane, we give it things and names so we can relate to this energy and work with it better. I mean who can work closely with a blob of energy? Therefore we call it a faery, or angel, or demon. (I am being general here)

m not sure if most people understand the definition of "reality"...

–noun, plural -ties for 3, 5–7. 1. the state or quality of being real.
2. resemblance to what is real.
3. a real thing or fact.
4. real things, facts, or events taken as a whole; state of affairs: the reality of the business world; vacationing to escape reality.
5. Philosophy.

a. something that exists independently of ideas concerning it.

b. something that exists independently of all other things and from which all other things derive.

6. something that is real.
7. something that constitutes a real or actual thing, as distinguished from something that is merely apparent.
8. in reality, in fact or truth; actually: brave in appearance, but in reality a coward.

Juhblon, that's all and great but what is real to some is not real for others. People make their own reality with their beliefs.

And to the others who are bagging out others, yes, every one is entitled to their opinion SO WHY DON'T YOU PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH AND LET OTHERS LIVE THEIR OWN REALITY AS THEY SEE FIT AND NOT TO BE RIDICULED ABOUT WHAT THEY BELIEVE!
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 66
nicely put so i start by saying i dont believe in god i believe in a goddess. simply put because i can god sure as hell aint gonna stop me ive been happy with my life as it is and life been messed so many times i even almost given up completely until i met Coto Koto she brought back from the brink and now i am ready to face even god even if i dont have a chance you should never back down even if you are coward reach up if you nothing to reach up with still reach up show god you aint gonna take his crap anymore if you lose, you lose, but still fight back even if it is pointless, a warrior dies only once but a coward dies a thousand times. i like that saying
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 67
I like that saying too but I was referring to any and every magickal being. We give it a name and a face so we can identify and relate to it. I respect your beliefs. I too believe in the Goddess but I can also see in an abstract way too. I know it seems contradictory but hey, that is my reality :-)
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 68
well well well even 12 yr olds are bustin on meaglin huh i guess it backfired on her.
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 69

You're that bored just to randomly insult us? ... ... Sad. That's just sad. I hope you have a fun time in your little fantasy land where the things we believe just can't be true and everything you think is true. Nice, very nice...
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 70
Earthstag, those are simply ways it is used. Notice how a couple definitions of the word all seem the same, hey? If something is real, it is real for everybody. You can choose not to acknowledge it or go into denial or something, but it will still be there. That's what real is. Keep in mind also that we can't be sure of anything about any sort of Creator god. I doubt at all that a creator god exists. It's all in science, but that is aside from the point. Being made in god's image is a Christian ideal, making it as valid as ny other religion's. Also keep in mind that entitlement to opinion is something given to man, from man. It has no real meaning, some countries don't allow this right. Also, I never once preached acceptance of wrong ideas and fallacies.
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