RE: thoughts

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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 41
I know that some times I am misunderstood in the chatter due to people not being able to percieve my correct tone. Yes, there are smilely faces to use but even so, I still get misunderstood.

Look, all Fetish Angel was trying to do was stand up for me. I posted some stuff about the History of Witchcraft and a particular person shot me down saying that I was wrong and should do more resarch. It has happened a lot here and she was just trying to make things fair by pointing out that there should be other ways of how people go about things.

Some would say that it was out of proportion to do it that way but the person who shot me down should have done her own research in her years of magick instead of taking a stab at some one else.
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 42
Earth I know you and I know usually how to take what you say,by how you say it.You are truly a gentle soul,and I know it wasnt your intention to cause any confusion at all.You are like several others that posted here,a very,Unique, Talented,Opinionated,Woman,and I for one look forward to hearinng your comments on any subject..Peace
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 43
Thank you Nodrk, I really appreciate that (hugs Nodrk)
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Re: RE: thoughts
By: / Beginner
Post # 44
ill agree with you on that vari
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