making faerie bottles

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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 24
"what is La Nina?"

La Nina is weather phenomenon, a change in sea currents' temperature, causing drastic heat waves or heavy rains (when there shouldn't be.)

"I am not going to capture them! that is not what I am about, as I said and defended them!"

I think Alysia was referring to Everetta's post too?

"It is almost considered a crime amoungst nature to imprison a creature"

Then why isn't the Ravoux's Slavemaker Ant ever prosecuted? Those things are creepy.
And I still say, there are some individuals who get interested in things beyond what they were born in, and giving them their own space doesn't have to mean "prison".
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 25
who is or are the Ravoux's Slavemaker Ant, never heard of them?

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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 26
It's a species of ant that attacks other colonies, killing the workers and stealing the eggs so that they have servants. Nature can actually be a pretty careless, abusive mother. ;-P
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 27
thanx for the info ravyne
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 28
oh true or false, someone claimed that they magicked a fairy? made it out of magick, isn't that a form of cloneing etc
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 29
Yup, Dion Fortune's "Psychic Self-Defense" has a great chapter about artificial elementals. You can try a google search for the PDF file if you have Adobe Acrobat, since this book shouldn't be copyrighted anymore.
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 30
I want a fare so i need a sponge cake
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 31
it is so inhuman and just wrong to trap any being especially a powerful one like djinns or demons. as beleivers in magic and the supernatural we should try to become allys with those beneficiarys not entrap them in a jar or lamp
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 32
What about when such a being ASKS to come into your service? Whenever someone mentions having a creature under their service, others assume it's forced, however that is not always the case.
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 33
im aware of that i just dont beleive in entrapment of any kind unless it agrees to it
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