Dear Petrarca

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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 21
Charmed you don't exactly post on the forums much. When moderators were first instated there was some havoc in General with that thread about Anubis I think who was sick and just about any post that wasn't a carbon copy of "I hope he gets well soon" was deleted, for about 10 posts then someone posted a message putting down the few people who had been trying to post their opinions (only one of them was really being an ass about it the others were caught in crossfire I assume) and he was extremely rude, yet it wasn't deleted. A certain user (who says ^.^ *angel smile* whenever he is being an ass... no names tho...) also posted a lot of personal attacks and most of them got deleted but the last few didn't and it seems if he puts that ^.^ *angel smile* rp crap at the end people don't delete it or something...

There arent cases of abuse so much as selective judgement. There was one mod as well I think who got POed at someone and went on a deleting rampage... where everyone lost a lot of posts. It's just incidents that nobody really talks about once they're done and over with.

But, I dunno. Maybe you lurk or something, I've never seen you post more than once or twice and I've only seen one thread of yours that hasn't been touched in a while in general which is where just about all the crap goes down... so... it's better to ask random members or moderators who were there for it like masterme was really active in general and he resigned but, he was there as a witness when that one mod was waaaaaay overstepping his boundaries, and for about everything else too.
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 22
i think we should be able to view our sent messages and have a checkbox where we can delete a lot of messages at one time in case you're like me and get back to back Pms. And there should be applications for Moderator to make it fair. And a Moderator job requirement wouldn't hurt either
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 23
I would like to see a Block command. so you can block out the all the drama Kings and Queens we have.
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 24
I personally would like to see an adults section. so I don't have to here any (more dragonball-z crap) I got this power and it a rating of 66 and that power is at 33.
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 25
I would much rather be able to veiw what i have sent. Age is useless
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 26
^_^ so far.. I think more powers to mod is needed.
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 27
Something to delete messages with...not one by my suggestion...LOLZ...=D
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 28
All good suggestions.
Hers two from me-a frequently asked questions/bigger list, many people who come here ask the same things making them get ignored by people thus not getting the help they need.

Also a faster way to delete pms, a bunch of boxes on the side to pick which ones you want deleted and a delete button would be helpful. Clicking all then the message then delete and starting over takes up too much time if you have a lot already.
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 29
I know im repeating, but i want you to know that its a concern to more then one person.
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Re: Dear Petrarca
Post # 30
Uhuh...I agree with Xenovann and the box things...and for the age section...well age section for other people just doesn't get on their vibes...DID U SEE THE LOCATIONS???...LOLz...anyways they can just put it in their bio's if they really want too...some people do....
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