the coven chat rooms

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Re: the coven chat rooms
Post # 11
how about yaull just leave mi vampy alone and quit calling him shit like that god damn yaull are gona half to deal with me if yaull keep talking shit bout him

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Re: the coven chat rooms
Post # 12

WOAH Mary, you go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: the coven chat rooms
Post # 13
I like the chat rooms very much and all of the people here and vamp have helped me in the past but no one can KILL ZUES.
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Re: the coven chat rooms
Post # 14
it is not written down that people cant kill gods
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Re: the coven chat rooms
Post # 15
Indian mythologicalyore god Brahma Had created people of phenomenal size (I mean VERY VERY VERY big people) and when they turn against the gods god Shiva killed them all Fact! and Zues is higher than God Shiva. If anyone thinks they can kill gods-Joke
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Re: the coven chat rooms
Post # 16
look, the way you speak vamp, the language you use, your attitude in seems to me that your way too immature to; in my opinion....even summon a, for you to say, that you have killed the God quite ridicolous IMHO.

ps. john, you didnt cross any lines, you spoke truth.

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Re: the coven chat rooms
Post # 17
ya ok what ever but remember "any thing is possible"
even the less likely things
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Re: the coven chat rooms
Post # 18
truly anything is possible, but if you do not show a level of maturity that comes with the knowledge, power, and responsibility of obtaining that level of magick, you would be far more mature.

but i slightly disagree...humans are simply not powerful enough to be able to do "anything" with magick.....its simply not true....we have limits.

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Re: the coven chat rooms
Post # 19
true... we do have limits but there are greater limits for different people and i understand about the maturity level that you were talking about
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Re: the coven chat rooms
Post # 20
I'm with ya on that one. I'm tired of the fighting too, patiently waiting the ability to ban users from the chat. Maybe that will help clean it up a bit so that everyone can once again enjoy it
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