Does a witch smell?

CovenBaron La Croix ► Does a witch smell?
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Re: Does a witch smell?
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
Thank you very much lol. I just thought energy can not be seen, nor can a smell. So can we pull in things to our souls that make us smell diffrent? That is a very good question...

Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 12
act. of course. smell. prolly not

Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 13
I didn't mean like teenagers, LOL I meant like little children, you guys know what I mean. They've always got that rotten baby smell.

Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 14
Can we pull things into our souls that make us smell different?
This is a very good question, and something I feel is worth checking into.
It also makes me want to pay more attention to "if" I have a smell after any workings.
I'll check some things out with my friends and let you all know.


Re: Does a witch smell?
By: / Beginner
Post # 15
That would be wonderful thank you lizzie, all information is worth having but in this case posting. :)

Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 16
The friends that I have asked this question, all believe that energy cannot be seen or even smelled. However, with the use of oils, herbs, incense...etc, the smell of these will linger on our clothes and skin.

Now, on the other hand, my sister says sometimes she gets a musty musk smell, but not usually. It depends on what type of working she's doing.

As for myself, I have never noticed a smell and no one has ever told me that I smell. ( that just doesn't sound

Anyway, maybe we should all pay close attention to what kind of workings we are doing and what kind of oils, herbs, etc, we are using (if any), and IF we have any lingering smell afterwords.

Re: Does a witch smell?
By: / Beginner
Post # 17
Thank you for the information dear.

It could just be the oils, but i was open for all options lol

Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 18
Every time we use/consume a substance a bit of it stays with us. For example, if you use a certain shampoo then the chemicals of that shampoo will stay in your hair forever (even after the smell fades). Burning sage would mean you'd probably inhale the sage and inhaling it would also bring chemicals into your body that will stay long after the smell has faded. It's possible that people with a sensitive nose may continue to smell these things even after the initial smell has faded.

About energy carrying the smell, that is possible too, but I have another question. Does energy have mass?
All things are made of energy and all physical things have mass, including liquids and gases. So is it possible that energy could have a mass as well?

Re: Does a witch smell?
By: / Beginner
Post # 19
Thank you Master Kilo.

That's a good question is it not? Even in science they say everything has mass.

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