funerals and death

CovenFirst Path ► funerals and death
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Re: funerals and death
Post # 11
well lets see. I would like to die maybe in my sleep, or during a great time of pleasure (not necesseraly...if i spelt that right, sex lol...though thats how my dad wants to not sure why ) something that i enjoy doing so i die happy. i would like to be cremated and tossed over the ocean because i love the water or have me buried next to my mom. My sister is weird. Apparently you can turn your ashes into like a diamond or something (doubt it) and have her kids wear it o.O

Re: funerals and death
Post # 12
Since I have an unnatural phobia of fire, I do not under any circumstances want to be cremated. I would like to be buried in this beautiful old graveyard in my hometown, as near to my ancestors as possible, but seeing as they are at different ends of the same graveyard it could be difficult lol.

Today I went to a graveyard, actually, to help tend the graves of my ancestors. It was so sad because someone had actually kicked part of the marble frame around one of the graves off. I would haunt anyone who did that to me, lol.

At that graveyrd there were loads of these stupid heart-shaped headstones. They really annoy me, to be honest. I think a heart in the middle of a place of mourning and sadness is quite tasteless, to be honest. I don't mind angels, pillars and crosses for those of Christian faith, but I really can't be doing with hearts. End of pointless rant.

I'd like my grave to be black marble with white engraving on it, nice and simple, with a frame around it, filled with green gravel. I saw a grave like that today and thought it was really pretty.

I don't mind flowers being put on people's graves, but I agree with Healer about teddy bears and such. There is really no point, and I personally wouldn't need people putting Christmas trees on my grave to know they remember me. I mean, the simple fac that they paid for me to have a grave is enough for me.

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