Ancient Spell for Seeing

CovenSpell Casters ► Ancient Spell for Seeing

Re: Ancient Spell for Seeing
Post # 2


Marijuana is still illegal in most states. I would never touch the stuff. I don't need drugs to taint my body. Someone told you there was children on this site last time you posted this, correct? They are correct. Doing some research about the effects of marijuana, it's possible that you are hallucinating. Maybe you should check with a mod before posting things about drugs.


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Re: Ancient Spell for Seeing
Post # 3
You don't need drugs to see spirits. Why would anyone want to do magik that way? It's the wrong way. Magick is natural just like nature. There are ways to conjure spirits but you have to be careful when doing so. Because you may conjure something that you don't want
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Re: Ancient Spell for Seeing
Post # 4
Since you deleted my comment on the post you made I will say this again. This site has children who are age 13, posting about drugs is a big no no, because you don't want children addicted to any kind of drug, you also have to know not every state legalizes marijuana, in my state it's illegal and you can get up to 5 years in prison time for just having it in possession. As for the side effects which I will post again

Short-term memory problems

Severe anxiety, including fear that one is being watched or followed (paranoia)

Very strange behavior, seeing, hearing or smelling things that aren’t there, not being able to tell imagination from reality (psychosis)



Loss of sense of personal identity

Lowered reaction time

Increased heart rate (risk of heart attack)

Increased risk of stroke

Problems with coordination (impairing safe driving or playing sports) source:

There are many more side effects, those are just short term.

I see spirits without Marijuana, I don't need a drug to pollute my body to know if spirits are around me.

How do you know you are not hallucinating?

Once again please be considerate and think before you post a spell on the forums, because like I said there are a lot of children on here. If you are not sure about something, ask a mod, and they will help.
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Re: Ancient Spell for Seeing
Post # 5

I agree with ShadowBonder completely.

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Re: Ancient Spell for Seeing
Post # 6
Listen marijuana does not make you hallucinate ive had first experience with it and it never has done that. I am fully aware of these dangers, the marijuana is just there to make you emotionless. if you want to use this spell withput it be my guest. it is an altered state of mind is a bonus. i take no responsibiloty if kids are using it. this spell is my gift to all of you. it is your choice to use it.
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Re: Ancient Spell for Seeing
Post # 7
And marijuana is a natural plant so its not unnatural that a plant that can alter state of mind can be used. Now please quit attacking me and making me the bad guy i just posted this to share my knowledge with you all. i do not encourage an addiction to this drug this is just the knowledge I know. this is my gift to you to use if you feel like it. if you are offe ded by this then do not use it but there are plenty of people who will take this risk. i am aware that if you mess something up then you can be cursed 3 fold which is why i included that this is a dangerous spell. but the ouija board is also dangerous. the midnight man. hide and seek alone. im sure that if you dont want to do this spell you are fully capable of jus not doing so please. do not attack me.

God and Goddess bless you all.
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Re: Ancient Spell for Seeing
Post # 8
I did not mean to delete the message i am new to this site
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Re: Ancient Spell for Seeing
Post # 9
I suggest you take a look at a website called Mouse Party, it explains what Marijuana does to the mind and body. It also explains other drugs and what it also does.

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Re: Ancient Spell for Seeing
Post # 10
Also, it's a website designed for kids to warn them what each thing does, it's kind of cool to click on each little mouse and analyze what's going on with their brain.
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Re: Ancient Spell for Seeing
Post # 11
I will be sure to do that
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