dream walkers

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Re: dream walkers
Post # 2
i did this a few nights ago.....of course i didnt mean to do it....i believe it is related to lucid dreaming....something i do alot.

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Re: dream walkers
Post # 3
your simply wrong.....you can enter anothers dream.

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Re: dream walkers
Post # 4
My dreams are always being invaded. This is mostly something in which Shaman do but you don't have to be one of them to do so. its somewhere around the Spiritual and Astral plains in which this happens, though I have no idea how!! If I go into anothers dreams they never called it to me, I somehow just end up there.

If you want to know more info on it there are plenty of books on the subject that are easy at hand.
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Re: dream walkers
Post # 5
first off, your putting words in my mouth...i never stated that i did it all the time....i said i did it once a few nights ago. that does not make me an expert....especially since it was an accident. i didnt mean to dream walk. i dont have the time to research it and then give you the watered down version....go look it up yourself.

i would ponder how someone who believes thier spirit can leave thier body to float around in some kind of limbo (astral plane)....would doubt the ability to share dreams.

quite odd.

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Re: dream walkers
Post # 6
i understand the difference, what i dont understand is how you can believe in the out of body one, but not one where you move into another persons dream...it seems the dream one would be easier to believe than AP.

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Re: dream walkers
Post # 7
i see you asking me for evidence....but i dont see you presenting me with any evidence at all...unless you count your word for it....show me why its not "possable".....

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Re: dream walkers
Post # 8
You just said that AP and dreams are almost the same. Therefore why can't a person AP themselves into a dream.

I do not have a young, arrogant attitude. I am debating simply because I have experienced sharing anothers dream. I am talking from experience, and I do not think that it is young, and arrogant. So take your own advice and chill before YOU don't upset the wrong person.
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Re: dream walkers
Post # 9
Well I've done it about 6 times on a singular person b4(runied her dreams for about a week)I used a spell to go vist her brain. Tho the price was worth it. Its not that hard. Tho I'm half native american so it wasn't that hard. I can't due it on command.
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Re: dream walkers
Post # 10
I am also part Native American and all of my Family Call them Skin Walkers.I have heard of it all of my life and done it a couple of time,but not by my own command.
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Re: dream walkers
Post # 11
Trying to explain it is diffacult for me. Magick takes the path of least ressientice.
The girl I was dreamwalking into I had a intimite link with so I could only invide her
Lust filled dreams.
Ur family calls them skin walkers? Intresting
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