
CovenDivine Spirits ► Grounding
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Post # 1
Visualize all black, negativity exiting through one foot and white, positive energy entering through the other. Feel the energy leaving your body, and then the positive light entering.

To help you a little on focusing you can say a little something like this :
"Mother Earth, that surrounds, Let all negativity sink into your ground, to disperse as you sit fit, and help those who find themselves in a rut or pit."

Or you can say something like this

"Oh Great Mother, take my negativity into your womb, Make it so the flowers bloom, bright and color-full are they, This is how I like my day"

Written by yours truly, Lady SilverVixen

Re: Grounding
Post # 2
It's always good to see different techniques other's use in grounding , i use both my feet to rid myself of negative energy, then both to pull up good energy from the earth:)

Re: Grounding
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
i run my energy through the ground which filters it, and then bring it up above my head and in my body again...kind of like a fountain...

Re: Grounding
Post # 4
What I love the most about this technique is that anyone can modify it to their liking. I want everyone to start writing their own spells, rituals and techniques, in stead of "borrowing" others. I currently have a student via email who has taught herself to make spells with clip art and poems, and they are working well for her. So let's see that creative side ladies and gents.

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