Does a witch smell?

CovenBaron La Croix ► Does a witch smell?
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Does a witch smell?
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
*I need everyone’s opinion to this post*

Barbie queen (Priestess of Gypsy Witchcraft) and myself were discussing something that has been racking my brain all night..…Do witches give off a smell?

I have a theory, I believe that when we grasp energy for the spell it brings in smells into our souls that leak out because its unneeded. However Barbie has a theory also she thinks its the oils and herbs that soak into our skin.

I would like everyone's input on this topic, just express your opinion it would help me to figure this out a lot. IF it helps I am told I smell of musk and sage, with a whiff of lavender. Barbie smells of newly picked roses.


Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 2
Ok so here's a thought....or 2.....

For Barbies theory...
would it not depend on the oils and herbs being used, as to what smell you would give off?

And for Barron's theory....
pretty much the same...only when we grasp energy, wouldn't it depend on if it was a specific energy, as to what we would smell like?

Or even what type of spell is being cast...wouldn't that depend on how we smell afterwords?

I suppose either way is possible. I've never really given any thought to having a smell after any workings. No one has ever said if I did , but they haven't said that I didn't either.

Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 3
i know witches smell, i can smell tanky all the way from canada,

Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 4
Armpits dont count Life

Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 5
i wasnt talkin bout tat i was talkin bout breath, jk tanky u know we all love u

Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 6
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah that was a real knee slapper

Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 7
idk how db puts up with that rank breath

Re: Does a witch smell?
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
LMFAO omg lol i was trying to be serious here!

Dont worry life i use alot of mints to keep my nose fresh and smelling only the good stuff.

*Here comes tank* (Runs away)

Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 9
yeah well......I was gonna be quiet about this.....but...I can smell all of you.....jk......lmao
(breathmints AND deoderant help guys....)

Re: Does a witch smell?
Post # 10
I would think if one has heightened senses one can detect another witch, through the sense of smell I wouldn't think it but I know I can smell a child, clean or not, even after they've left before I've gotten there.

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