Last nights attack

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Last nights attack
Post # 1
as many of you know many from the famely wer under attack last night we tok a wery big hit this time but i wer so glad to see how we all worked so good together those who cud send healing or energy send to those who proteckted or wer under fire those who cud proteckt did and so on this is what famely is about standing together side by side even when it gets hard i love you all and thank you

so what happend is the attack wer ment for us all some more then oters

so all please do some protecktion draven made a post to you all
please use it and i mean it this attacks wer not a tikkerling on the nose i will not at this time go into detils about it maybe later

so all do as told do you protecktion

Re: Last nights attack
Post # 2
Well said My Lady, It was amazing how that we united . We have members that have different abilitys and when combined all work together as one unit. Way to go Family. Just get prepaired and the next time we want get cought off guard. This family is powerfull so lets show the sender he has picked on the wrong one this time. I feel that last week when we sent that demon back to the one that cursed us, It started to get on their head and they decided to send in more. But from the powers that I saw from all of you last night and the way we work together this want last long. So come on family show them who their messing with.

Re: Last nights attack
Post # 3
It's really nice to see how we stood together :)
One helped another and we got through it...
Some with more some with less pain...but the main thing is...
we all did our best...and you know what?...we kicked ass =D

Re: Last nights attack
Post # 4
You are right Belza, we all worked together and succeeded. Thank you to everyone who helped me last night.

Re: Last nights attack
Post # 5
well to all my family our priestess and priest
if u begin to taste your favorite desert or ice cream candy what ever sorry its well deserved and a double helping to each of you
and hope the present of love hit all of you at the same time
each and every one
and thanx to all that helped me when they could
the rabbitt stands bows and tips his hat to all and sends a hug and kiss to each one of you
i love you all

Re: Last nights attack
Post # 6
Hey belza ,that was a great defence ....hehehe
I'm so close to figure it out from where is came from ..thats all for now..
keep in tou sisters& bro' you all...
and thanks belza for ur warning....
thank's dear

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