Trouble with Sleep/Sigils

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Trouble with Sleep/Sigils
Post # 1
I have been told that in order to be successful with Sigils, one must banish the thought of the creation from their mind, However, my mind wanders all over the place in multiple directions at the same time. This topic here, (, says that Aquarians such as myself "never seem to stop thinking".

January 20th - February 18th
Your element: Air
Your ruling planets: Uranus
Symbol: The Water Bearer
Your stone: Amethyst
Life Pursuit: To understand life's mysteries
Vibration: High frequency
Aquarian's Secret Desire: To be unique and original


Special note for Aquarians: With the new Millennium heralding the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius, at this time, ready or not, your sign is regarded as the zodiac's leader. You are the trendsetter for the future and because of this high responsibility, many under born your sign will be undergoing at this time, as we approach the Millennium, the pressure of personal change (particularly in your values and what makes you content and happy). Yours has always been a philanthropic sign. Now more than ever these qualities will be highlighted.
Those born under the sign of Aquarius not only march to a different drummer, they make up new music as they go along. They are 'mind oriented' individuals, whose thoughts never stop tick-tocking over. Because of their high focus on intellectual exploration, many inventors, eccentrics and highly original trailblazers are born under this sign. Their intense ability to live on many mental levels, holds both pain and pleasure for Aquarians. For example, in the American Hall of Fame there are more Aquarians than any other sign, yet statistics reveal that in mental institutions there are more Aquarians than any other sign too. Many extremes can surround this sign and these extremes can take them to both heaven and hell.
But in everyday terms, most Aquarians are extremely humanitarian and often involved in social programs that assist others. They can also be objective in judgement, for they never let their emotions get in the way. Outgoing and amiable, Aquarians attract friends wherever they go and those whom Aquarians befriend have their unswerving loyalty.
Aquarians are the zodiac's most mysterious and unusual people - and no two are anything alike. Those born under this sign - ruled by innovative and non-conformist Uranus - march to the beat of their own drum. They see life in a different way. Others quite frequently think their habits and ideas are eccentric or crazy in some way, but it is this uniqueness that makes them so special. The Aquarian mind is extremely quick and they never seem to stop thinking (it is interesting to note that many born under this sign suffer from insomnia.) Aquarians usually have strong political, environmental or social beliefs. But whether it is a relationship, career or cause - Aquarians are happiest when they have "something" to believe in and nurture

I do in fact seem to constantly come to the thought of my sigils and their effects, and also I suffer from minor insomnia due to songs stuck in my head, constant thinking about a particular subject, etc. It also effects meditation in all forms for me. Anybody have any advice? I would greatly appreciate help.
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Re: Trouble with Sleep/Si
Post # 2
Natural shamanstic trances and few magickal working would be best i think.

Or plants if you need it to end fast.
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Re: Trouble with Sleep/Sigils
Post # 3
yeah Im serious man try with weed :),my friend have same problems as you...It will calm you down many cultures use it for meditations.
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Re: Trouble with Sleep/Sigils
Post # 4
Um, I'm not as old as most would think. I still live with my parents, I'm actually 15.
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Re: Trouble with Sleep/Sigils
Post # 5
15!! MAN,I whas smoking weed when I whas 14 years old like bob marley,bit I don t take it anymore Im clean so don t think Im some kind of junkie.For your age you are very smart I whas thinking you are like 20 years old:)

anyway try something else,find calming meditations,but I would suggest you ti imagine house, imagine dirt and dust inside that house,imagine that dirt like your thouts and try to clean it and throw outside of window,works for me.
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Re: Trouble with Sleep/Sigils
Post # 6
Marijuana doesn't make a lot of people stop thinking---it can sometimes have the opposite affect.

I suggest brewing some catplant (catnip--so it's readily available at pet stores) as a tea. This helps the brain "shut down" to prepare for sleep or meditation. You can add lavender and chamomile to relax you as well.

Better than trying to find some illegal drugs.
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