Teach yourself Tarot

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Teach yourself Tarot
Post # 1
he first thing you will want to do is start a tarot journal. You will want to record your exercises in it as well as keep track of your cards of the day and readings you do so you can become aware of any patterns as well as your progression along the way. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. Mine is a 3-ring binder dividing into sections.

Read an Introduction to Tarot (just the main page) and Choosing a Deck.

Exercise 1

If you don't already own a deck, head out to a bookstore or a witch shop and look at their cards. Which decks are you drawn to? Why? What do you definitely not like? I suggest looking at and trying out as many decks as you can, even if you aren't in the market to buy at the time. It will help you become more aware of the type of cards that talk to you. I always check out the tarot section every time I am in a bookstore or witch shop. I actually keep a list of decks I definitely do not want and decks I would like to have.

If you already have a deck, sit down and look at it. What was it about this deck that made you want to buy it? How does it feel in your hands? Were you drawn to it? If so, why? If you didn't purchase the deck you own, you might want to check out other decks to see if yours talks to you like others might. Do you feel a connection with that deck? It is important to understand the connection you have with your deck.

Read Caring for Your Cards

Exercise 2

Cleanse your deck. If you haven't done a full ritual yet with your deck, now is the time to do it. The Full Moon and the Dark Moon (a time of hidden truths and intuition) are great times for these rituals. If you have ever worked with any of the crone forms of the Goddess, such as Holda, the Nords/Wyrd Sisters, Calliach Bleu, you might want to incorporate them into your ritual since most of them not only have the wisdom of the ages, but they also have a connection to divination. If you have previously consecrated your deck, consider giving your cards a routine cleansing.
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