rules of magic?

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rules of magic?
Post # 1
what do you all think of basic rules of magic, nothing like "don't do bad with it" i mean things that actually are needed to follow to perform any and all magic.

iv only thought of one i could see is actually needed

"molecules can not be created or destroyed in physical or chemical changes, not including nuclear changes"
basically something must be given to be made
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Re: rules of magic?
Post # 2
I dont follow your first one, that is a baisic law of nature, while you really managed to screw it up while wrighting it, and including nuclear changes dude, that what you have written has nothing to do with magic really, and if you are talking aboat magic than I hope you know that magic cant turn anything in to what its not, and I think you ment to say laws of magic not rules
and here are my:
magic is never instantaneous
magic is only as strong as the will of the caster
magic cant brake the laws of nature or physics
* (sub paragraph) that meens that all you people who ask this aboat 2-4 times a Mont magic cant make you in to a vampire, werewolf, give you wings make you levitate, and so one everyone is tired of those foolish questions
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Re: rules of magic?
Post # 3
thank you for replying to my post, and correcting me, i enjoy your knowledge on magic. thanks again, and if ya have any other tips rules or well anything else that you think can help pleas dont hesitate to help friend!
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