Cosmic Blessings

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Cosmic Blessings
By: / Novice
Post # 1
I am Ayanna, I follow after the sage of wisddom. I honor all the Goddesses and God's as well as the Ancient ancestors and forefathers, not forgetting the one who are elevated than I as well as those who are on my level, I hope I have left no one out and have given all the honor to whom I am suppose to give honor to. I am new to this but eager to learn how to manifest energy and rest in the gift that is apart of my bloodline with the agenda to be of service to the human race with no harm to me or to anyone else.
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Re: Cosmic Blessings
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Helpful Links:

Helpful Books:

"Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig
"Before You Cast a Spell" by Carl McColman
"Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar

Best of luck, love.

Blessed Be.
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Re: Cosmic Blessings
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Gratitude to you.
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