Sound magic?

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Sound magic?
Post # 1
Has anyone heard of this term; 'Sound Magic'?

Does it refer to a generalised style of magic? Or is it more specific?

Any help would be appreciated!
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Re: Sound magic?
Post # 2
Yeah its a branch of magic that works by manipulating sound and ones audio perception much of it is a fluff but there are few that can actually be used, on the other hand usable ones are mostly tricks and skills that humans knew and used for years and those that work with audio perception are mostly simple exercises to tune out other senses to better perceive sound.
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Re: Sound magic?
Post # 3
Ok, thank you for your help!
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Re: Sound magic?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4

I actually use forms of what can be considered 'sound magic', but I don't really call it that. It is more oracular song, vocalization to call spirits, and using whispers to clarify intent.

People seem to be deadset on typing different techniques. Unless your practice heavily centers around sound, I wouldn't use the title.

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Re: Sound magic?
Post # 5
I can perfectly agree on that one.
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Re: Sound magic?
Post # 6
Sound does have its place in magick. In ritual I will vibrate certain words of power using the maximum capacity of my vocal chords.

I have known shouting to have its place, screaming, whispering, singing.

The differences in sounds can raise energy within the individual and bring about certain states of mind which can be harnessed within ritual.

It is quite an interesting thing to experiment with actually.
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Re: Sound magic?
Post # 7
Thanks everyone for your replies!
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