Honey Jar

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Honey Jar
Post # 1
Hello,I have two questions.Is it necessary to burn candles after finishing a honey jar and is it possible to use it for sweeten a teacher towards you(so not exactly using it for love)?
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Re: Honey Jar
By: / Novice
Post # 2

I'm confused a bit by the wording. I assume you mean working it, and no you do not have to burn candles on the jar. You can just shake the jar, give it attention, reinforce petitions, just work with it. You could also boil the jar in some hot water to "heat" it up.

And, yes. You can definitely use a honey jar for more than love. It can be for any type of sweetening and even healing.

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Re: Honey Jar
Post # 3
Thanks ChennyVoo.Can a vinegar jar also be boiled in hot water?
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Re: Honey Jar
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Just pray or chant over it to work it.

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Re: Honey Jar
By: / Novice
Post # 5

Honey jars can be used to sweeten someone even if its not love. Yes it is necessary to burn candles as they "feed" the honey jar so that it keeps working I mainly burn fixed candles on mine every friday. Vinegar jar is not the same as jars that are boiled. The way I was taught vinegar jars is that burn one black candle on top of the jar and bury it where the sun goes down and once a month you pour vinegar over it to "feed" it.

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